The White Lion Roars Once Again

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The day after the disaster dinner, the five paladins and the two Alteans decided to help choose the next pilot for the White Lion. Everyone was in the White Lion hangar as they stared at the lion. They were a little bit nervous about who will become the new paladin. Who will the lion choose?

"So who goes first?" Hunk asked, breaking the silence.

"Should we draw straws?" Pidge suggested.

"I'll go. I'm able to connect to anything." Lance gloated. 

Everyone's brow arched at that comment. Then Lance walked into the cockpit and sat down in the pilot seat.

"Okay, White. Let's connect." Lance ordered as he held onto the handles. Nothing happened. Lance waited a little longer. After five minutes, nothing. Lance groaned and walked out of the lion while slumped over.

"Nothing happened." Lance grumbled.

"I think we can already tell, Lance." Pidge commented. 

Then she walked past Lance and into the White Lion. She was excited. She never got the chance to see the inside of the White Lion. It almost looked the same size as the Green Lion. She sat down in the seat and held onto the handles. She closed her eyes and concentrated. After five minutes went by, the White Lion remained unresponsive. Pidge sighed and stood up and walked out of the lion. Shiro placed his hand on her shoulder.

"At least you tried." Shiro said with a small smile.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." Pidge returned the gesture.

Keith walked in and sat down. To his point of view, he felt a little bit uncomfortable. He couldn't really connect to animals or plant life like Zoey could. Machines maybe, but not animals. But just like Lance, nothing happened. Keith walked out of the Lion. Hunk was next. When he sat down, he couldn't help but feel like the seat was too small for him.

"Nope, not it." Hunk stood up and walked out. Coran spotted Hunk walking out of the lion.

"What are you doing? You didn't even try." Coran accused.

"Yes I did. I sat down." Hunk defended as he looked away from Coran's gaze. Coran squinted his eyes at him for a moment as Hunk slowly looked back. "I don't want to leave the Yellow Lion, okay? It's got this super armor, it's safe." He smiled at the thought of the Yellow Lion. Coran sighed and while placing his hand over his eyes.

"Alright, next." Coran ordered. 

Shiro walked into the cockpit and sat down in the pilot seat. Even though, he's the paladin of the Black Lion, he felt a little bit out of place in the cockpit. He had no way of connecting with either animals or plants like Zoey or Allura. He could almost immediately tell that the White Lion won't choose him. Just when he was about to get up, he saw images enter his head. An unknown planet, a castle that was similar to the Castle of Lions, a female Altean light brown skin, long dark blonde hair, dark green eyes, pointy ears, and then a male Galra long purple hair that had braids in a few places, two dark purple stripes that resembled a cat's whiskers on both cheeks, and eyes in that were the color of bright yellow gold. Then Shiro found himself back in the White Lion cockpit.

"W-What was that?" Shiro pondered. He stood up and walked out of the Lion. "Nothing."

"Well Allura, it's your turn." Hunk said. 

Allura took a deep breath and walked into the lion. Then she sat down in the seat and held onto the handles. She let a breath out and closed her eyes.

"I want to carry on my father's fight. But I need your help. Allow me to follow in his footsteps as your paladin." She declared. She waited and waited, but nothing happened. Then she opened her eyes.

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