When I Woke

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Zoey Ellis blinked as she sat in a medical room that looked similar to the one in the Castle of Lions. She wondered how she ended up here. The last thing she remembered was the battle against Zarkon and passing out afterwards.

"Where am I?" Zoey questioned herself. She had a gut feeling that she wasn't in the Castle of Lions, but it felt the same somehow. Then she heard the door open and turned towards the sound. She saw someone that she wasn't familiar with. The person looked like a female Altean. She had long keppel colored hair, tangerine colored eyes, and pale skin. She also had Altean markings that were in the shade of pine green and pointy elf ears.

"I see you're awake," The woman said as she walked up to Zoey and knelt down in front of her, "How are you feeling?"

"A little bit tired, I guess." Zoey answered, placing her hand on her forehead. She wondered how long she was in the healing pod. "By the way, who are you?"

"Yseult. Sorcha's daughter in law." 'Yseult' introduced herself.

Zoey's dark gold eyes widened at the name 'Sorcha'. If the woman in front of her is Sorcha's daughter in law, then that would mean that Sorcha is still alive.

"You probably want to meet Sorcha, but how about a change of clothes and some food first?" Yseult suggested. At that moment Zoey's stomach growled.

"Food sounds like a great idea." Zoey agreed.

"Follow me then." Yseult instructed.


Soon after a change of clothes and some filling food, Yseult lead Zoey down the hallway to meet Sorcha.

"So how long has Sorcha been alive?" Zoey asked.

"Well, Sorcha and her family along with a few friends went into a cryo-freeze for 10,000 years. When we all woke up, we were surprised that so much has changed while we slept." Yseult replied.

"I can almost imagine." Zoey commented. She remember how Allura reacted when she found out that her home planet along with her people were destroyed.

"We're here." Yseult spoke, breaking Zoey out of her thoughts.

The doors of the control room opened and Zoey was shocked at what she was seeing. There were all kinds of aliens. Some she didn't recognize, but the ones she was most familiar with were the Alteans. But there was a person in the middle of the room that truly caught her attention. A woman with long lavender colored hair, dark gold colored eyes, two dark purple stripes on her cheeks, tanned colored skin, and pointy elf ears stood on a small stage in the middle of the room with a glowing Balmeran crystal on the ceiling. The woman turned towards Zoey and couldn't contain the gasp when she got another look at the woman.

"Hello Zoey, it's good to see you awake." The woman greeted.

"Ho-How do you know my name?" Zoey questioned. The woman chuckled at her question.

"I'm your grandmother, Sorcha." 'Sorcha' answered with a closed eye smile.

Zoey couldn't believe it. Her grandma was right in front of her. A family member she didn't know she had. Zoey returned Sorcha's smile. Zoey ran towards her and wrapped her arms around her waist.

"It's great to meet you, grandma Sorcha." Zoey greeted.

"It's great to meet you, my granddaughter Zoey." Sorcha greeted back, "How are you feeling?"

"Much better since I woke up." Zoey said.

"Good." Sorcha said, "Because I need your help."

"With what?" Zoey questioned as she unwrapped her arms from Sorcha and stood in front of her.

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