Kaminari X Reader (SFW)

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N/A: Hey, sorry if this chapter sucks, I'm super tired and my sinuses are killing me. This chapter is a request so I hope it's good. Enjoy~

It was about 7pm on your one year anniversary with Kaminari. It had been a long year but he always found a way to make you happy when it got tough, even if his jokes are bad you can't help but laugh at the sheer confidence he delivers them with. You were at the park where you'd agreed to meet your boyfriend. He said he had a plan for your anniversary, although you didn't exactly trust this plan to not go up in flames you agreed to come along.

After about ten minutes of waiting you felt a pair of arms wrap around you from behind.

"Hey, Baby!" Kaminari sounded excited and was practically talking into your neck.

"Hey, Pikachu. You're awful excited." You giggled as he started leaving kisses on the back of your neck.

"Pika Pika!" He whispered in your ear causing you to giggle a little harder before he let go of you, allowing you to turn and look at him.

He was dressed casually, as always. He wore a black T-shirt with some song lyrics on it in white, black jeans, converse, and a denim jacket tied around his waist, along with his signature grin that always made you happy to see.

"So what's your big plan? You really talked it up over the phone so I'm expecting something good." You smirked and he just chuckled back.

"I could tell you but that'd ruin the surprise," He smiled a little wider as he offered you his hand, which you took.

The two of you walked together through the streets of the city, giggling at each others horrible puns. You stopped at one point to get ice cream, you got *insert favorite ice-cream flavor* and Kaminari got vanilla. Even if he hadn't revealed his big plan yet the date was going well. It was always like that with Kaminari, constantly laughing and smiling, no matter how down you were feeling he always found a way to make you happy, even if it was just for a few hours. He kept his hand in yours the whole time, he always did, he wanted to show the whole world that you were his and how much he loved you. He always talked about how lucky he was that he had you, constantly complementing everything about you, giving you gifts, making sure you knew exactly how he felt.

"We're almost there," He grinned from ear to ear saying it and you were glad since it had been almost an hour an your feet were killing you. You were at the edge of town and could see a few hills in the distance. He walked towards a car on the side of the road which you recognized as his.

"Why couldn't we use your car an hour ago?" You asked as you opened the passenger side door.

"I like walking with you, but, yeah it was farther than I thought." He looked down and blushed a little as he strapped himself into the car.

"It's fine," You sighed, resting your head against the leather seat and closing your eyes.

He drove for a little while in silence, keeping his hand on yours as you leaned back with our eyes closed. He struggled to keep his eyes on the road, you looked so peaceful next to him and he couldn't help but look at you. After a few minutes you could feel a light incline in the road, but you didn't pay much attention. 

"Don't open your eyes alright," Kaminari instructed, you did as you were told as you heard him get out of the car and open your door. He gently guided you out of the car and away from it. "Sit down." Once again you did as you were told with Kaminari holding you so you didn't fall. You could tell it was grassy where you were as he pushed you down to lie on your back. "Alright, now, open."

You opened your eyes to see the thousands of shining stars. It was beautiful, faint blue swirls and white dots decorated the blackness of the night sky. The moon was full and bright over head as you looked over to your boyfriend, his eyes were fixed completely on you, ignoring the stars above you both.

"Kaminari, how-- how did you find this place?" You were still a bit flustered, you weren't sure what you had been expecting, but it sure wasn't this.

"I was mad at Bakugou a little while ago, I just started driving to blow off a little steam and I found this place. I knew I wanted to bring you here, the look on your face right now is well worth the drive." He looked at you smiling and you felt your face heat up a little.

"What did Bakugou do to piss you off that bad?" Kaminari was pretty patient when it came to Bakugou, come to think of it, you'd never seen Kaminari get mad at any of his friends.

"Talking shit about you," He sighed. "I hate when people talk shit about you, especially you." He looked you dead in the eyes, completely serious as he spoke. "Y/N, you're incredible. I know I say it a  lot, but its true! You're the most funny and beautiful and sweet person I've ever met, let alone dated! You're amazing. No- no you're more than that. You're fuckin' perfect. To hear somebody say otherwise-- it kills me. When you put yourself down, or you talk bad about yourself, I- I can't stand it. I wish you could see what I see when I look at you. Honestly Y/N, I just want you to be happy. Whether its with me, or with somebody else, all I want is to see you smile."

You lied there for a moment stunned. He'd called you beautiful and things like that before, but this was different. You could hear it in his voice, the sheer admiration that he held for you.

"Y/N, I love you." His voice brought you out of your daze and you met his eyes, yellow orbs filled to the brim with sincerity. He turned onto his back again, "That was too much, wasn't it?"

You moved without thinking, grabbing his collar and pulling him towards you. You smashed your lips to his, a little harder than intended as your teeth clinked together.  The both of you stayed there for a moment, eyes closed, focused solely on each other. Eventually Kaminari pulled away, laughing slightly.

"God I love you," He said, burrying his head in your neck, giving it light kisses.

"I love you too Pikachu." You slowly began playing with his hair, he loved when you did that.

"Pika Pika," He whispered back.


"Yeah, but I'm your dork." You could feel him smile against against your neck.

"Hell yeah." You smiled.

In that moment, more than any other, you could feel how much he loved you.

His little Pika Pika.

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