Bakugou X Reader

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It was about 1 pm on Saturday, you were with Bakugou at the mall. It had been a calm day, going from shop to shop with your boyfriend. You didn't get a whole lot of one-on-one time due to his job, but he always made it up to you. Now you were hungry, and it was his turn to pay for lunch.

After 20 minutes of bickering you settled on a traditional-Japanese style restaurant. It was nice and you two ended up getting a private booth for some alone time. After a few minutes a waiter came in and took your drink orders. He tried to hide it but you caught the waiter staring at you. Unfortunately Bakugou noticed as well and sent the waiter a dirty look. Of course, this was normal and you just decided to ignore it.

By the time you food orders were taken you and Bakugou both caught the man staring several times, and he was getting a bit more bold. Bakugou was pissed to say the least. He had always been possessive over you, and he had a very bad habit of getting jealous of every guy you talked to for more than 10 seconds. 

"I'll get that right to you, beautiful." The waiter wink at you as he left the booth and you could see the vein on Bakugou's neck bulge. He kept muttering curses and insults to himself until the food came. 

When the waiter came with your food he pretty much ignored Bakugou and only talked to you. You were friendly, since you didn't want trouble, but he was starting to creep you out a bit. As he left he planted a hand on your shoulder and rubbed it before walking away again. That made you more than uncomfortable, especially when you know it's meant in non-friendly manner.

"Fucking little bitch, who the hell does he think he is?" Bakugou muttered it loud enough for only you to hear. The anger in his voice was more than evident and you could tell he was close to snapping.

"Please calm down, I'm sure he doesn't mean any harm." You put your hand on Bakugou's in an attempt to calm him down.

"Bullshit!" 'thank god these booths are soundproof' you thought as he was full on yelling now.

You ate in silence for a few minutes, knowing better than to talk to Bakugou when he's this mad. Soon enough the waiter came back in to check up on you, and then he crossed a line. He placed his hand on the nape of your neck and moved it, gently rubbing before slipping inside the back of your shirt. Bakugou snapped like a toothpick under a boulder. 

He pounced at the man, tackling him to the ground and pinning him down to the floor. He was practically foaming at the mouth in rage. His eyes had a crazed, animalistic look to them. He placed a hand around the man's throat and sqeezed, enough to restrict air flow but not enough to make him pass out.

"Listen to me, you bastard. You better keep your pervy little hands to yourself and off my girl/boyfriend before I snap you worthless little neck, understand me?" The guy nodded frantically, hoping to at least lessen any injuries that were most definitely coming his way. "Good." He got up off of the waiter and allowed him to get up before landing a punch that definitely broke his nose. The waiter left the booth and Bakugou sat back down, smirking to himself.

"Thank you." You looked at the floor, still slightly in shock at what had happened.

"You don't have to thank me for getting some creep off you. Besides, I wanted to beat the hell outta him anyway." He moved his bowl and sat next to you, placing an arm around your waist.

"I'm surprised you didn't kill him," You laughed slightly.

"I didn't wanna spend the night in a jail cell," He leaned in close and whispered the next sentence in your ear "You can't repay me there." You could hear the smirk in his voice as you knew exactly what it meant. 

It was going to be a long night....

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