Ashido X Reader (SFW)

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Scenario: You and Ashido have been dating for about a year and you just woke up with a bad case of the flu.

You open your eyes as best you can, though the swelling in your sinuses makes it a bit hard.

"I feel like shit," You groan out as you turn onto your back. 

'Fuck, me and Mina are supposed to go to the mall today!' You feel yourself panic a little at the thought of missing your date, but you can't go like this. You look at the time to see how long you have until you're supposed to leave, since your date was set for 1 pm you thought you'd have plenty of time.

12:28 AM.

'SHIT!!' was all that went through your head as you reached for your phone, knowing full well your girlfriend was getting ready for a date you'd have to cancel. You opened your messages to find two missed texts from your girlfriend.

9:32 am

Mina: Morning Babe!

Mina: Can't wait to see you :)

12:29 am

Y/N: Hey babe, sorry but I think we're gonna have to cancel, I'm not feeling very good :(

Read 12:30 am

'She hates me.' You groan at thought as you get up to find an asprin for your killer headache.

After about 30 minutes you hear a knock on the front door of your apartment. You slowly walk over and unlock the door. It swings open to reveal your girlfriend in the doorway with a worried look on her face.

She immediately took your face in her hands looking you over intensely before giving you a small peck on the lips.

"Sorry I didn't reply but I got worried and thought I'd come check up on you." She smiled as she walked in the doorway, dropping her bag and making herself comfy on the couch.

"It's cool, sorry we had to cancel." You looked to the floor a little embarrassed. 

"Don't apologize! You didn't feel good, besides, I think it'll be fun being your little nurse 'till you get better!" She smiled even wider at you, her smile always made you feel better when you were stressed or upset.

"I'd like that." You smiled at her and she gestured for you to sit next to her. 

You sat down on he couch, keeping a little distance since you didn't want her to get sick. She reached over and pushed your head onto her lap, playing with your hair.

"Awwwww~ Y/N, you're so cute when you blush!" She giggled, looking down at your face.

"I'm not blushing." You hid your face in your shirt, even if you two had been together for a while you still got embarrassed. 

"If you say so,'' She smiled, "Now what do you wanna watch?" She grabbed the remote from the coffee table next to the couch.

"mmmmm you choose." You closed your eyes as you began to relax.

"Brooklyn 99 it is!" She said as she clicked on the TV.

The rest of the day was slow, you ordered out for lunch and didn't do much else besides snuggle with your girlfriend and occasionally drift off the sleep few minutes.

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