Chapter 1: Age Only 11

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Moonlight shone in white and silvery streaks over the dark patches of grass covering the front lawn of their home. The faint rustle of horses nibbling the peach tree leaves could be heard from where the two small figures were sitting on Liana's trampo- line in the extra shade of a large poplar tree, as well as a few late night buzzes from bugs in the sunflower field. The scent of arum lilies and lilies of the valley were floating toward them on the cool breeze of midnight.

Liana sat upright as a pin, with her semi-bare legs crossed and her hand, which rested in Paul's sweaty palm, loosely held a small pink porcupine flower. She was dressed in a plain green T-shirt and pink shorts, and Paul in sweatpants and a black shirt. For a while, neither of them said anything. They didn't feel like talking.

It was half past twelve in the night, but they were sort of getting used to sitting in Paul's parents' garden like this that late. At Liana's home, it wouldn't be safe. Her parents would know immediately - they were very strict about Liana being in bed by 8:30 p.m on a school night. Today was Friday, but to either of them, it didn't matter anyhow.

Liana had been homeschooled since age 5, and had two younger brothers and two elder sisters. Mary-Rose was 13, Carleah 15, little Johnny had just turned 7, and Andy was 9. Paul had no siblings and had never had any. It didn't bother him.

The two of them - Liana and Paul - had a lot in common. Liana played the piano and wrote poetry and lyrics she often shared with her young boyfriend. They had been "dating" for a year, if you could call it that. They usually just hung out in private or public close to their homes, like in the fields surrounding Paul's familys' little farm or Liana's pantry which never ran out of strawberry jam cookies. Paul, meanwhile, rode horses and cleaned the stable. He had taught her to ride a few months ago, also, and she was getting good at it.

"I love you. And I like being by your side," Liana spoke softly, but suddenly, searching for his eyes in the dark. She wasn't saying anything out of the ordinary, but her boyfriend still gave her hand an appreciating little squeeze, and she felt his cool brown fingers touching the silver locket around her neck, around which hung a small heart made of ivy leaves, symbolising their love for each other.

"I like you too. But you don't need to say that so often," Paul replied, and she could feel his green eyes on her dark ones.  She reached out to caress his blondish-brown hair, another habit of hers, and he placed his hand on her bare leg. This was just their usually displays of affection, it wasn't awkward anymore it would be awkward if they swam together naked .... which they used to do when they were little.

Sometimes Liana thought her mom was afraid of them having sex together. She wasn't planning to do that until they were at least 14 and 17 or so. She had mentioned this to Paul a few times, but he just shrugged that off.

"I dislike being alone... Nowadays, I feel lonely when you're not with me," the girl told him, anxiously. "It used to be enough to just play with my little brothers or get patted on the shoulder by my big sisters, but now... Yeah, I suppose I don't really know." Her black eyes were large and intense and he could see the expression in them in the dimly lit light of the moon. She continued in one breath, "I want us to be together...forever. Just you and I. Please, promise me you'll never leave me."

Paul looked a little startled by her speech, at first, but then he blinked his longish eyelashes and pushed himself a bit closer to her, resting his hand softly somewhere between Liana's right shoulder and lower back. "What makes you think I'll ever go somewhere without you, as long as I can help it?" He enquired, a little urgently and hushed. His parents need not be wakened at this time of night.

"Oh... You know. A girl gets insecure sometimes," Liana smiled, and then laughed unexpectedly.

"Oh.. like when you're on your period, and a guy tells you your clots don't look like strawberry jam cookies to him?"

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