Chapter 5: Sleepwalkers are Daytime Mute Talkers

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Warning: Chapter contains romantic content that some readers may dislike. Read at your own risk.

In the two weeks that they've been living together, Paul had learned A LOT about his girlfriend that he'd never realized before. Or perhaps some of those problems and traits of Liana Fernandez didn't start until they "got married."

It wasn't a real wedding, of course. They knew that no magistrate or reverend would ever consider to unify two "innocent little youngsters" like them. They would just laugh. And laugh. And laugh. And laugh. They would laugh until they rolled on the floor like intoxicated junkies high on ecstasy.

And one of the things he learned about Liana is that she walks in her sleep.

She doesn't really do anything while walking. She doesn't look angry or scared or otherwise upset. She just strolls dreamily out to go look at the stars or something "stupid" like that which is what most boys would call it.

They haven't shared a bed since they got married.

On the day of their wedding ceremony, a week after they got the house cleaned out and the windows replaced, Liana put on a white dress she had inherited from her sister, Marissa. It was off shoulder, with three quarter length sleeves and slight puffs where the sleeves started. It has some lace along the neckline and seams, and small white pearl buttons in the front, but other than that, it was plain. But to Liana, it was more than enough.

They did it 12 a.m at night... On purpose. In the kitchen-living area of their small home, Paul lighted several candles... About 13 to be exact, but it didn't matter. They had managed to unscrew the front door by now - it wasn't locked in the first place - and so they left it open to let the cool evening breeze in, enhancing the "wedding" atmosphere.

Liana put her hair up in a small, round bun on top of her head, letting black waves hang like thick rose petals loosely around her face here and there. She wore no makeup, except concealer and mascara. She even wore 3 inch heels to make her feel more confident. They walked to each other and then stood in front of one another, declaring their love for each other - just like in a traditional church wedding ceremony.

"I therefore take Liana Armadella Fernandez to be my lawfully wedded wife... In happiness and in misery, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, for better or for worse, as long s we both shall live. I shall love you with all my soul, honour you with all my body and think only good of you in my mind."

They couldn't remember everything a professional reverend would say, so they altered or made up some parts - especially Paul, who had only been two one or two weddings in his entire life.

It was difficult to say whether or not the two of them truly realized what they were letting themselves in for... Even Liana and Paul. Their eyes were somewhat forcefully glued to each other's, their hands clenched and sweating nervously in each other's - especially Liana's - while they mutter-whispered the words loudly, in the privacy of the night in the forest.

It was almost as if they had come to a silent agreement that the two of them were to...have a wedding night.

Paul had never touched Liana again after the first day they came here - only a week ago, but still. Things were often VERY awkward between them. Liana was embarassed to be seen by Paul in her loose, foot length, long-sleeved non see-through nightgown, even covered by a (plain gray) dressing gown. She was embarassed to think about sleeping in the same room with him.

But there was only one room. Luckily, it was a somewhat large room, at least, with about 10 metres of space between their beds. Well, there weren't really beds...only dirty, old mattresses. But they didn't care. It wasn't dirty anymore after Liana washed it out by hand with washing powder in the stream, anyway. There also hung a curtain in between their beds to further lessen the awkwardness of... well. And for coverage when either or both of them wanted to get dressed or undress in the mornings or at night.

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