Moons Apart (Book #3 in Ferry's Tale series)

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Warning: Mild spoilers ahead

Moons Apart is a work in progress. Although the main plot is already set for the entire series, the names and situations in this book are subject to change. If you don't want spoilers of the following books in this series, you may skip the following three chapters.


In the mythic land of Akna, not everything is what it seems. As Ferry's fairy abilities are growing so is his doubt about this infamous enemy everyone is talking about, but no one has ever seen. 

In a turn of unexpected events, Ferry loses his fairy abilities and is forced to run away from his own people, together with Matilda. To gain his powers back, Ferry must complete five difficult magical tasks. Mere humans now, Ferry and Matilda must find their way back to their friends and the Moon's Tear in a place where everyone hates humans. 

Will they be able to succeed alone in a foreign, dangerous land? And how are they going to complete this difficult challenge when their feelings for each other are growing with each task?

Themes: breaking one's fear and insecurities through determination and perseverance. Subthemes: the strength love gives; racism.



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