Chapter 8

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I marched down the dusty road. Tears running down my dirty face.  I had no idea what everyone had against me. Or maybe it was, it was Felix! I needed time to breathe. I mean I didn't even know if I wanted to go home! Here my dad isn't a worthless drunk. Here my mother is alive. I walked down the familiar yet completely unfamiliar streets of Bremin. Everyone gave me wierd looks as the thick tears slowly jept falling down. I turned a corner at the end of the street, running into a women with blonde hair. Her head down.

"I'm sorry" I sniffled. She jerked her head as she looked up at me. I gasoed and took a step back.

"You, you were the one who came to my house the other day" she covered her mouth and turned her head. Letting out a slight sneeze. 

"Mum?" Even seeing her the second time, I couldn't grasp her being there.

"I'm sorry dear, but I am not your mother" she nodded her head in goodbye and pushed past me. She turned her head in frustration but her voice was calm. "Look I don't know you, and I have to admit you calling mr your mum, is getting creepy and wierd. So just stay away from me, and my husband" she gave me a sly smile before walking off. The tears rolles down faster.

"Great, just my luck"

"What's just your luck?" I looked up to see, Sam, Felix, Andy and Jake all runninh towards me. "We've being looking for you everywhere-" Sam paused when he sae my face tears staining it.

"Are you okay?" Andy asked me.

"Does it look like I'm alright?" I snapped. I looked at his startled face. "Sorry" I mumbled.


"Felix, shutup" Jake put a hand up to silence him. "You can't keep wondering around on your own." He said soothingly.

"Well you've certainly changed your attitude" I say between sobs.

"Yeah well..." he shrugged.

"If you two are done flirting" Felix crossed his arms over his chest angrily.

"Come home, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you upset" Sam wrapped and arm around my shoulders. 

"Thanks Sam" I took a side step away from his arm. "I do think I need a nice sleep" I wiped away at my tears, feeling self conscious. 

"I'll even give you a blanket" Jake smiled. I didn't I could get the conversation I had with my mother out of my head.

"I got food" Andy held up a plastic bag. I nodded and followed them back to our little shack.


As Sam, Andy and Jake wondered inside, I stayed out, looking out into the distance.

"I'm sorry" Felix mutteres. I looked at him. Confusion crossing every muscle.

"It's alright" I reply simply.

"I wish you would tell us what's going on" he pushed.

"I don't know why you care, any of you, you never have before" I snapped.

"I know, I know and I'm sorry-" Felix paused and I turned my head to his wuy he had paused. He was staring off into the distance.

"What?" I turned my head to see what he was looking at. There was a dark figure lurking behind a tree keeping to the shadows.

"What is that?"

"Run!" We sprinted to the door as it shut. I pulled against the handle. It was locked. "Andy! Jake! Open the door!"

"I can't!" He yelled.

"What do you mean you can't" Felix yelled.

"It's stuck!"

"What's going on?" Sam asked. Wind blew hair into my face and I gave up trying to push it away.

"Something out there, somethings coming" Felix yelled back. I was still pulling at the door.

"What's out there!" Andy yelled.

"And evil spirit or something! " Felix yelles back. The door swung open. I fell back landing in my butt. Felix darted inside and turned back to me.

"Come on!" He yelled. I jumped to my feet and darted to the door but not before it shut again. I let out a scream as I kept pulling at the door.

"Emma!" Jake yelled banging his fists against the wooden frame.

Something grabbed me around the waist and pulled me back.

"No! Let me go!" I yelled holding on to the lock. "Help!"

"Emma!" Sam brought his shoulder to the door.

"There's no such thing as ghosts.

There's bo such thing as ghosts" Andy repeatedt. A few more time and the door was broken. The wind stopped as soon as they stepped outside. A large circle covered the grass area outside of the shack.

"Emma!" Jake called out. The black figure and Emma were no where to be seen.

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