Chapter 17

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"Maybe we should go back for Emma" Andy said.

"What? Are you serious? No way!" Felix replied.

"Why not?" Andy asked.

"Because she's as crazy as Pheobe that's why!" Felix snapped turning a sharp corner.

"No she's not!" Andy cried following after him. "She's the one who found the dolls!"

"She's also the one who got us into this mess!" Felix sighed. Felix turned another corner and found, Sam talking with Mia, and Jake talking to Ellen. Felix took a look at Andy, his eyes were fixed on Ellen. Felix rolled his eyes, and walked over to them.

"What do you want!?" Sam snapped.

"We're here because we have just made your day" Felix started.

"Right" Sam looked apologetically at Mia. "Bye" he walked past Ellen and Jake and gave them both sad smiles.

"What? Your just going to walk away!?" Felix demanded.

"Leave him alone Felix!" Andy shouted suddenly next to Jake.

"But he can't just walk away!" Felix sighed.

"He doesn't need to hear this from you!" Jake snapped as he followed after him.

"I had good news!" Felix shouted after them. Jake and Sam continued walking. "I've managed to convince Pheobe into letting us stay back at the shack!" Jake and Sam came to a halt turning their heads slowly as they look at him.

"What shack?" Mia asked nervously. Felix had almost completely forgotten they were there.

"Dont worry about it" Felix gave them an awkward smile as he walked towards the others.

"What are you talking about dude?" Sam whispered in a hushed voice.

"Not here, keep walking" Felix led them down the stairs that they were walking towards.

"Felix, what's going on?" Jake demanded.

"We talked to Pheobe. Andy and I managed to put her in her place. We're not going back to that ghost shop, we're heading home" Felix smiled.

"And Emma's coming with us right?" Sam lifted his eyebrows. Felix was silent for a moment. "Right?" Sam pushed on again.

"Do you like her or something?" Felix sighed.

"No! I will never stop loving Mia, but at the end of the day, Emma was there with us when we got lost in the bush she was there when it all started she's one of us dude!" Sam argued.

"There's something I never told you about, when Emma and I talked on the lake. She said someone was holding her there, her name started with 'A' but that's all I got" Jake sighed.

"So, you don't think that's the real Emma?" Felix asked.

"No I-" Jake was interrupted by something around Felix's neck. It was glowing bright orange. Felix looked worried and unsettled.

"Felix, what is that?" Sam demanded.

"The Talisman. I stole it from Pheobe's shop, she didn't want me to have it. But there is a strong magical presence here and it's not a good one. It's evil" Felix looked at them with big eyes.

"So what do we-" The ground shook hard as lightening lite up the sky.

"Felix! What's happening!?" Andy yelled. Felix looked around frantically.

"Run!" Felix was the first to run dropping something black. Andy picked it up and followed closely behind.

"Where are we going!" Jake shouted over the thunderous storm.

"To the shack!" Felix answered.

"Will it be able to hold out the storm?" Sam asked. Felix didn't answer for a moment.

"It's worth a shot!" Sudden rain came pounding down, as big as ice cubes and they stung when they touched your skin.

"We need to hurry!" Andy yelled. The boys ran through the dirt path, that was quickly turning into mud. The shack was just in the distance when someone stepped out in front of them.

"Emma!?" Jake shouted.

"No! Get away! Get away!" Phoebe came up behind them drenched.

Jake stumbled backwards as Pheobe reached out a hand to grab him. "Don't touch me!" Jake said with a edge in his voice.

"She's dangerous, she's not herself! When you left she changed, and she left she didn't tell me where she was going but-"

Pheobe's eyes widened as she tackled Felix to the ground. A bolt of lighting shot past Felix. "Move!" Pheobe pushed Felix up and started running as fast as she could towards the other end. "If you guys wanna stay here and die, be my guest" The boys started sprinting to the other side.

"Water, fire, earth and air elements that we all share!" Felix turned around amd stood his ground.

"Felix, what are you doing!?" Thunder cracked loudly.

"Water, fire, earth and air elements that we all share!" The boys walked closer to him shooting confused glances in his direction.

"Dude come on she's about to kill us!" Sam took hold of his shoulder.

"Water, fire, earth and air elements that we all share!" Emma looked weakened. She was feeling it. "WATER, FIRE, EARTH AND AIR ELEMENTS THAT WE ALL SHARE!" Felix looked over at the three of them. "This is it guys, magic is the answer" Sam shrugged and joined in on the chanting, as did Jake and Andy.

"WATER, FIRE, EARTH AND AIR ELEMENTS THAT WE ALL SHARE!" Emma fell to the ground scratching at her head. Her screeches were non human, as Felix could sense the evil spirit being released from her body. Then she went still. The thunder and lightning stopped, the clouds were clear and the rain had gone away.

"Emma!" Jake ran up to her unconscious body. Her arms were covered in scratches as was her face. Her breathing was shallow.

"W-what happened?" Pheobe had returned looking shocked.

"Your talisman works Pheobe, it saved us" Felix smiled.

"Pheobe!" Jake cried from a distance. Everyone turned their heads at him and saw him hunched over Emma. Pheobe ram towards them. "I-I don't know if she's alright?" Jake stuttered worried. Pheobe knelt over her body and put a finger to her neck.

"Her pulse is weak, we need to get her into some dry clothes, Jake carry her to my car"

"No, we're not going with you!" Andy shouted.

"it's not about you! If Emma isn't looked after properly she will die!" Pheobe started half walking half jogging to the car. Jake picked up Emma bridal style amd followed.

"I'm sorry guys, but I'm not losing Emma, I can't"

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