Chapter 14

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"Jake!" She ran up to him and gave him a hug. The four boys sat shell shocked as the bell rang.

"Alright we have sport next so it might be a good ides for you to change during your break" Mr. Bates explained.  Emma dragged Jake and the others out of the room.

"Where's Felix?" She asked. She plonked herself down on the cement on the courts.

"We don't know" Andy said

"Emma! How are you here?" Sam interrupted

"What? Aren't you guys glad to see me?" She pouted.

"No, no. It's just last time we talked you said that we had to wait until we got back to our world to get you out" Jake said.

"And why didn't you tell us this?" Andy asked bewildered. 

"Because I didn't think it was important" Jake sighed

"I did say that but..." Emma's gaze turned down to the concrete.

"But?" Sam pushed.

"But something happened.  Something I can't explain" Emma said.

"Why not?"

"Oh look at the time" Emma jumped to her feet and started to waddle off. "I better get changed" she smiled. 

"Dude, what is going on?" Sam asked as they watched her walked away.

"I have no idea, she told me on the lake that we couldn't help her here" Jake looked at his drink bottle in annoyance. 

"So what's changed?" Andy asked. Sam sighed and Jake looked up at him ans shrugged his shoulders. 


"We've been here for a while Felix!" Pheobe sighed.

"I know I just have to find the perfect one" Felix replied angrily.  "But they're all fake!" Felix slammed a stone into the box.

"You asked for something that could keep away spirits-"

"I thought you believed me," Felix said cooly.

"I believe in magic" Pheobe explained. "I don't believe you or your friends can do it"

"But you said on the way here-"

"I said that there's magic at work here yes, but I never said it was you who was doing it" Pheobe sighed. "You should get back to school" Felix walked towards the door with humped shoulders, when it opened up widely. 

"Pheobe!" Felix watched in shock as Emma ran past him. "Pheobe we need to-" she glanced back at Felix who just stood there.


"Hey Felix" she forced a smile.

"What, how-"

"School now!" Pheobe pushed Felix out the door and locked it, pulling down the blinds. How did Emma know Pheobe?

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