Chapter 6

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We sat out front of a diner. No one even said a 'welcome back' to us.

"Well this sucks" Sam stated.

"You've got that right, no one even seems to know us" I say back.

"Yeah that sucks too"

"What?" I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"Well I meant it sucked because there's no food" I rolled my eyes at him. "I'm serious!"

"I know Sam, but we're all hungry" I replied.  I rested my head against the cool surface of the metal round table. A scraping chair sound made my head jerk up. Jake pulled a chair up next to us.

"Nice of you to join us" Felix said.

"Oh shut up" Jake replied annoyed.

"Guys, right now is really not the time" I said slightly bored.

"Did you find your mum?" Andy asked.

"Yeah, except she's got a whole different life, new house, new car and she's married to Bates" Jake pulled a disgusted face.

"Bates?" Jake turned to Andy and nodded. "Oscar can walk,  Emma's mum is alive, it's not amnesia"

"I think we covered that" I said sarcastically. 

"So what's going on?" Jake asked ignoring my latest comment.

"Dude, I'll tell you what's going on, what's going on is I'm starving"

"We know Sam!" I shouted at him. They all turned their heads at me confused.

"Well, we need some food and a place to stay" Felix pointed out.

"I know somewhere we can go" Sam smiled.


Sam led us through a dusty road path. Broken fences on either side.

"Sam where are we going?" Jake asked.

"Here" We emerged through a big lock of trees and bushes. There was a small wooden hut  placed in a middle of a big field. "My brothers and I use to play ball games here when we were kids"

"In case you haven't noticed Sam, we still are kids" Felix turned to face me.

"What is going on with you?" he demanded.

"Nothing!" I snapped and pushed past him. Jake reached the door first and turned the handle.

"Its open" he hesitated for a moment,  lingering out in the open.

"It's not getting any warmer out here Jake" I said, frustrated.  He glared at me, but walked in followed by Andy, me, Sam and Felix.

"It use to look a lot better" Sam said. I opened my mouth to shout out a small remark but decided against it.

"It has potential" Andy wondered round. "I mean, every gang needs a hideout"

"We are not a gang" I said defensively. 

"Technically we are if we- " I glared him down. "Ok not a gang" he quickly shuffled round avoiding my gaze.

"We can clear this space over here to eat." Felix suggested. 

"Has anybody else got their phones? Mines outta juice" Jake asked. Putting his phone back in his pocket.

"Same" Sam pushed his back in as well.

"I've got mine on power saving mode" Andy answered holding it out to him.

"Nice one!" Jake whacked him on the back of the head. I almost said something to him, but I didn't want to be the next victim. 

"You know what would make it worse?" Felix asked


"If I wasn't here"

"Nice one dracula" Jake being an ass again.

"We've got shelter, now we just need a reliable source of food" Felix said.

"There are plenty of things in Bremin" I huddled in a corner pulling my legs to my chest. No one was paying attention to me. Not that I cared or minded for that matter,  I was use to it.

"We should get some rest, we'll go out searching for food in the morning" Andy suggested.  Everyone scattered round finding whatever they could to keep themselves warm and comfortable for the night. I got up slowly and looked around. All the dirty, holey blankets were gone.

"Can I borrow a blanket?" I asked. Everyone stopped muddling around on the ground and looked at me.

"Sorry you snooze you lose" Jake smiled to himself continuing on with his pile of blankets.

"So you expect me to freeze to death?" I asked annoyed.

"Don't really care" he replied. 

"Whatever" I went back to my little corner and put my hands between my knees. I wasn't usually a grump. I don't even know why I was, but I do know that I didn't get a wink of sleep that night.

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