Chapter 20

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Brooklyn's POV

The television is on quietly behind me as I make breakfast for Ashton and I. Unable to find my own clothes from yesterday, I threw on Ash's sweatpants and the flannel from yesterday. I rolled up the sleeves to my elbows so I wouldn't get them dirty making pancakes.

The sound from the television doesn't satisfy me so I grab my phone from the counter and turn on some music. I find myself dancing along to the catchy music and I'm so happy Ashton is asleep to miss this.

I get lost in Adam Levine's voice and throw my hands up but curse when pancake batter from the spoon in my hand flies up and hits the ceiling. It will have to just stay there for now because I'm definitely not tall enough to clean it.

I return to my hideous dancing after a few seconds and finish cooking the pancakes and bacon. Everything turned out as planned and I'm extremely happy with myself.

"Nice album, that one." A familiar laugh rings from behind me. The fluttering feeling in my stomach returns at the sight of him and I think about what happened between us last night. It was the greatest night of my life and I can only hope he feels the same way. I'm completely infatuated by this man in my arms and I'm afraid of how fasts feelings are developing.

"Morning." I lean up on my toes and kiss him twice on the lips. A smile spreads across his face and he returns my greeting.

"You made breakfast?" His eyebrow cocks up and he shoves a piece of bacon into his mouth.

"Of course." I shrug and make a plate of food before taking my seat in one of the tall stools behind the bar.

"Well, I was thinking," he begins as he makes a plate for himself and joins me. "There are a few things I have to go get from Max's apartment and then we could go and do whatever you wanted."

"Okay, sure. There's an aquarium here that I've always wanted to visit. Could we go there?" I put a bite of my pancake in my mouth and he copies my motion.

He holds up his finger playfully and chews extra slow. I laugh and slap his arm lightly.

"Stop it! Is there something wrong with that aquarium or something?" He shrugs his shoulders and gets up to place his plate in the sink. "Answer me, Ash. Seriously, why don't you want to go there?"

"No reason, it's just really fucking boring." I rake my eyes down his almost bare body as he walks away from me and down the hallway.

"You said we could do anything I wanted and I want to go to the aquarium." I walk quickly to catch up with him and grab his elbow to stop him from going any further. "Please?" I bat my eyelashes up at him and he smirks.

"Fine, shit. But don't complain when you're bored out of you're mind." He chuckles and makes his way into the bathroom. I avert my eyes when he pulls down his boxers and opens the shower curtain.

"What are you doing?" His voice is light and full of amusement when he sees me looking away.

"I don't know," my eyes move back to him and he gestures for me to come closer to him.

"Join me?" His hands cup my cheeks and I have to force myself not to kiss him.

I shake my head. "No, I'll just wait." He lets go of my face and suddenly his jaunty attitude fades.

"Why not? We've already had sex. Besides, I'm taking you to the aquarium. You owe me, Brook. The aquarium for a shower." His point seems valid enough so I nod and strip out of his clothes.

I'm suddenly very aware that I'm naked and my arms cross over my chest. Right away he takes them down and holds them at my side.

"Don't hide; not from me." A kiss is planted to my lips and he leads me into the shower.

The curtain is pulled closed and Ashton turns the water on. Cold water shoots out onto my back and I launch myself forward into him to avoid being frozen. His arms wrap around my waist and he reaches past me to make it hotter.

"Better?" I lay my hand out flat under the water and relax as the warm water soothes me.

"Mhm." My hands go up to my hair and I begin to get it wet when Ashton moves around me and joins me under the shower.

I turn my body around so I'm facing him and quickly find the tattoo on his chest that I became fascinated with last night. My finger traces around the edges of the black music note over and over.

"When did you get this?" I look up at him and meet his gaze.

"A few months after I moved here. Max made me get it." He scoffs and I smile.

"I like it. It's simple and it fits you." His hand reaches up and stops mine from tracing the tattoo. He doesn't say anything, he just smiles lightly and nods his head.


Thanks for reading!

I really don't like the way this chapter is written but I just wanted to put something up since it's been a while. Sorry loves!

QOTD: Do you have any tattoos? If so what are they?

Song Suggestion: Make it to Me- Sam Smith

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