Chapter 17

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Brooklyn's POV

Moonlight bounces off of his skin as he sleeps soundly next to me. He's so flawless even when he's sleeping. I was so happy when things weren't awkward after I stopped him from going any farther. If anything, he was happy when I stopped him. He said he didn't want things to go that far but sometimes he doesn't know how to stop himself.

"Brooklyn..." Ashton mumbles but when I look over at him his eyes are still closed and he's still fast asleep.

"I'm here, Ash. I'm right here." I scoot my body closer to his and fall asleep quickly.


Sunlight shines brightly through the window and I squint my eyes to keep them from being blinded. I'm blazing hot and when I look down I see why.

Ashton's arm is draped over me and our legs are intertwined. A smile grows on my face when I see Ashton's head on my chest. He's snoring softly and it's one of the most beautiful sounds I've ever heard.

I check my phone lying on the nightstand next to me and see I have a few missed text messages from Luke. The most recent one reads:

'Hey, Brookie. How are things with Ashton going?'

Luke was the only person I told about coming here. I told him everything; my fight with Noah, the epiphany I had about realizing my feelings for Ashton, and my idea to come here. He was so supportive as soon as he heard. He said it would be so fun to have two of his best friends start dating.

I text him back with one hand and tell him everything is fine and that we decided to spend the weekend here.

All of a sudden Ashton jolts his head up and looks around until he makes eye contact with me. His breath slows down and he gives me a tired smile to show me he's okay.

"I was making sure you were still here." His voice is deeper and rougher than usual which makes him ten times sexier.

"I'm here, Ash." I lean down and place my lips to his forehead. "Go back to sleep." I whisper but he shakes his head.

"I can't knowing that you're awake." He smiles and holds my waist as I try to get up. "Stay." He mouths which makes me laugh.

"I need to get dressed and go grocery shopping. We have absolutely no food here."

"Okay, but I'm coming with you." He kisses my lips twice and I smile at him.

"Alright. Can I go shower now?" At the sound of the word shower his eyes light up.

"Need company?" I shake my head and slap his arm playfully causing him to chuckle.

The water is warm and soothing as it shoots out and rolls down my neck. I go over the options of what to wear in my head and decide on the black pants Ashton picked out for me. He seems to like them and I'm anticipating his reaction when he sees me wearing them.

My body feels relaxed by the end of my shower and I shut the water off. When I open the curtain Ashton looks up from his phone and smirks. A squeal escapes my lips and I quickly slide the curtain closed.

"Ashton, get out!" I scream from inside the shower.

"Brooklyn, calm down." I hear him stifle a laugh which makes me even more angry.

"Out!" I scream at him and ball my fists at my side. Thank god he can't see my face because I know it's as red as a tomato.

After I hear the door close I get out with a huff and run my fingers through my hair. What was he even doing in here? I shake my head and wrap a towel around my body. Of course, I left my bra and underwear in the room.

Before exiting, I let out a deep sigh to calm myself down. When I swing the door open he's nowhere in sight and I quickly run across the hall to the room and slam the door behind me.

Thankfully he isn't in here which gives me time to think over what I'll say to him. He has to know that it wasn't okay for him to do that.

First I clasp my bra on then I shuffle through the closest until I find my black pants. I hardly ever wear jeans and when I do they're nowhere near as tight as this. I still wear skinny jeans but I normally get a size bigger than what I need. Usually, I stick to dresses and heels because I grew up wearing them. Even in high school dresses were the main thing I wore to school.

As I slide the pants on I wiggle my hips back and forth until they reach their stopping point. To button them I'm forced to suck in my waist and I let out a breath when I get it through the small hole.

That's another reason I wear dresses. Pants show off my wide hips and thick thighs which makes me feel insecure. I've never been super skinny like everyone I grew up around and dresses were the only thing that made me feel good about myself.

When I look in the mirror my expression saddens. I hate the way I look in pants and, before I know it, a tear rolls down my cheek. I never should have let Ashton pick these out for me. They look two sizes two small for me and make my hips look as though they're a mile wide.

After battling with my inner self for about five minutes I decide to wear the pants. Then I remember Ashton saying something about them looking good with one of his flannel shirts and I look through his drawer until I find one.

Right after I finish buttoning the shirt up I hear a knock at the door.

"Brook? Baby open up the door, I'm sorry." My pulse quickens when he calls me that and I blush. I hate that even when I'm upset with him he can still make me feel so good inside.

I walk over and open it up to reveal an ashamed looking Ashton. His eyes widen at the sight of me and my head falls in my hands. The ashamed feeling shifts towards me and a sob escapes my lips.

"Hey, please don't cry." Ashton whispers and takes me into his strong arms, swaying me back and forth.

"I didn't realize it was that big of a deal to you. I promise I won't do it again, it was all for a joke." He then rests his chin on my head and I try to contain my tears.

"It''s not that." I say into his chest.

"Then what's wrong? Was it something else I did?" I don't know what he thinks he did but I shake my head.

"I look ridiculous!" My fists pounds against his chest and I sob again.

I know it's stupid to cry over something like this but sometimes I wish I was born like the girls I grew up with. They're bodies are flawless and they don't have to worry about finding clothes to fit they're enormous lower half.

"What are you talking about? I think you look incredibly sexy. You're hips alone are enough to make me hard." I look up at him and gasp at his filthy mouth.

"You like this? Really?" I wipe under my eyes and mentally high five myself for waiting to put on my makeup.

"Really, I do. These pants were made for your body." He runs his hands along my hips and stops to cup my backside.

My sobbing ceases and he kisses my forehead. "Is that what you needed to hear?"

I nod my head. "It is, thank you. I'm sorry for acting like this I just-"

"Don't," he interrupts me and shakes his head. "If you ever feel this way come find me. You're beautiful and deserve to hear it."

I kiss his lips and wonder how on Earth I ever thought we should be just friends. Where has this kind man been hiding?


Thanks for reading!

Okay so this is just to show that all girls should feel beautiful and you all deserve to be told so every single day. Don't feel down about yourself because you're shaped differently. If God intended for us all to be shaped like models than he would have made us that way. Appreciate the body you have and love yourself unconditionally. xoxo

QOTD: What would you do if Ash walked in on you in the shower?

Song suggestion: You Are So Beautiful- Joe Cocker

Love you!

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