Something strang in the woods

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This story was requested by luuuccciiie
This is a Dani Filth story!

Lana walked down the dark streets towards the woods with an unlit lantern in her hand.
Every night on the weekend for the past five years she's walked down to the woods to clear her head.
She follows a similar routine that consists of walking to the woods, bringing a lantern, lighting the lantern, drawing a picture, and having dinner. Once she's done she'll pack up and head back home.
It's a weird tradition but it helps keep Lana sane in the hectic world she lives in.

Everyone is always fighting and hating and screaming at each other. It's good to have a place to escape.

Lana pulls out her lighter as she enters the woods. She stops for a moment to light her lantern. She opens the hatch and places the flame onto the wick of the candle inside. The candle instantly sucks up the flame, illuminating a small section of the area she's in.
She pulls her beanie down on her head and sighs as she hears  yelling coming from the city.

She huffs as she travels deeper into the woods and waits for the noises to get quieter and quieter until they disappear.

The air is colder than usual and Lana shivers into her black hoodie. She wishes she had worn long, solid, pants instead of the ripped leggings and thigh high socks that make up the lower half of her outfit.
Her hands shake lightly as she continues to travel into the woods. The deep she gets the more at peace she feels.

She yawns quietly to herself. Her day was long. Long and hard. She works at a small clothing shop on the west side of town but unfortunately people decided to riot in her area which meant she had to call someone to fix the damage done to the widows and board them up in the mean time.
She spent most of the day taking note of what was stolen and what still remains.

Lana turns down the familiar path and towards the small hut that lies in ruins.
It's a broken structure but there's something beautiful about it. Something strong and powerful. Through everything the structure has been through it still stands tall even if it's half destroyed and vandalized.

Lana stops to look around. The tall trees encase her in darkness and she smiles as she looks around at nature's beauty. She doesn't understand why people are no longer interested in nature. Lana's never supported people investing in plastic and man made objects but unfortunately that's all everyone's into at the moment.

Lana walks into the hut and takes a seat right in the center. She places her bag down and sets her lantern beside it.
The air smells fresh, so much fresher then the polluted city air.
She takes a deep breath in and smiles as her body goes completely calm.

Lana pulls out her sketch book and her dinner and she looks between the two deciding which she should indulge in first.
When no new art ideas come to mind she decides to have dinner first.

Lana opens up her lunch bag and pulls out a insulated mug filled with tomato soup. She opens a container and then pulls out her grilled cheese.
She's so excited to eat these, it's been a while since she's had comfort food.
Lana takes a bite into her grilled cheese first and she smiles as the taste of cheese hits her tongue. After such a long day this is exactly what she needed.

Lana digs though her bag in search for a spoon.
She feels her eyebrows scrunch together as she moves a couple napkins around in her bag.

"Where is my spoon," she mutters as she starts pulling things out of her lunch bag.

She frowns when she gets to the bottom of the bag and realizes it's empty.

"I swear I brought a spoon with me," Lana mutters as she looks around her area.

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