The kidnapper

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(A/N): Today is January 13th. Wednesday the 13th to be more specific. I am a huge fan of Wednesday so this is a special oneshot for his day!!! I also have a Wednesday 13 story called monster so go check that out to see what I am doing for Wednesday the 13th on there. Thank you so much for reading!!!

People had been disappearing in our small town. There was no sign of them, in fact there was no sign of their existence at all. It was like they had been whipped completely off the face of the earth.
Everyone in the town knew there was something wrong. People don't just go missing like that with out a trace, but then again this town has never been one for solving mysteries.

It was a reserved town. Small, only about three hundred people. The perfect place for a serial killer or whoever is making these people disappear.
The mayor has just been telling people to stay inside but there's still no guarantee that staying inside will keep you safe.

Several families had already left despite the order from the mayor. They packed their bags, grabbed their children, pets, and anything else important and filled their mini coopers to the brim.

Unfortunately for me, my mom had told us that we where staying. Apparently, she thinks listening to the mayor will be a great life lesson. She says it's supposed to teach us to follow the law.
I think it's a stupid idea. We might die. Scratch that we're definitely going to die.

I sat back in my room as some classic rock plays through my speakers.
I look out into the night sky. It looks cold. But then again it's always cold in January.
My eyes travel over to my backpack. I packed it this morning.
I appreciate my mother's obedience to the mayor but I'm not trying to die. I have a feeling if I stay here I'll be killed in my sleep.
I grab a letter off my desk. It's for my parents of course. I can't leave with out saying goodbye.

The house is silent as time passes by. My clock reads 9:58 p.m. I'll wait till 10 p.m. Everyone is usually asleep by then.

I turn my music off and stand up, walking into my closet. I pull a long fuzzy black coat over my blue jeans and t-shirt.
I bite my lip as I look at my face in the mirror. My basic red lips and my winged eyeliner provide a warm aesthetic.

I sigh as I look at the clock. It's time for me to leave.
I'm a little sad about leaving my family but I'm eighteen anyways so it's not that big a deal.
I sling my backpack over my shoulders and bend down to tie the laces to my boots.

Once I'm done, I head down stairs and set my letter on the kitchen table. I give it a pat as my eyes travel around our smaller home. I'm going to miss this place but hopefully I'll be able to come back when they catch who ever is making people disappear.

As I begin to walk toward the door a voice calls out to me.

"Where are you going hun?" The voice says.
Every hair on my body raises. That voice definitely does not belong to my parents.

I turn around slowly and my eyes land on the shadow of a man in the kitchen.
He brings a glass off milk to his lips and takes a sip.

I go to scream for my parents but he interrupts me.

"Don't bother calling for help. You're parents aren't home. They left. Like those other families," the man says as he crosses his legs and stares at me.

I can't see any of his facial features besides a silver lip ring that shines through the darkness.

"That's not true. They wouldn't have left with out me," I tell him. I can feel my legs shaking.

I should probably be running by now but my legs won't let me move.

The man chuckles.

"They left two hours ago. You where busy listening to music. Guns N' Roses right?" The man smiles.

I feel myself shiver. I was definitely listening to Guns N' Roses earlier.

"How do you know?" I whisper.

The man just chuckles and stands up.

"I know everything hunny. I watch everyone. I know you're every move. I've observed what you do at night, during the day. How your body acts when you sleep," The man says as he walks closer to me.

I try and move my legs but they're stuck in place. I keep trying to move as he walks closer and closer to me.

"Did you have a nightmare last night?" He asks as he walks up to me and stops in front of my face.
He's way taller than me.

"Was it about me?" He says as he lifts my chin. His lips curl into a smile and as I desperately try to run.

I take in his facial features. His brown eyes are slightly dark and menacing. His eyes are lining with black eyeliner and his hair is black, straight and long.

I continue to try to run.

"Are you stuck?" He mocks as he grabs a strand of my hair.

He towers over me which makes my heartbeat speed up even more.
I go to scream but it comes out like a whisper.

"Aww that was cute," the man smiles as he looks down at me.

I feel my cheeks turn red. This man is weird and I'm probably going to die.

"How much do you think I'll be able to make you scream?" The man asks me as he walks behind me.

His hand runs up my back and I flench.

"Cat got your tongue," he chuckles in my ear.

Finally I feel my feet unfreeze and I bolt in the direction opposite of him.
I hear him chuckle.

"I love chasing my prey," he says.

I hear his footsteps running after me and I scream as I dash up the stairs and into my bedroom.
I slam the door in his face and lock it quickly.

"Come on princess. Open up. I just wanna play," he says through the door.

My heart is racing as I run over to the window and begin pulling the locks open.
I look over towards the door and see the handle shaking frantically.
I unlock the window and slide it open then I punch the screen as hard as I can. I still doesn't break.
I start kicking at the screen trying to get it to break.

I hear the door begin to open right as I kick the screen off.
I begin climbing out the window when suddenly two arms wrap around my waist.
I scream and he chuckles in my ear as he closes the window.

"Everyone in this neighborhood has already left. Which is extremely convenient for me," the man says as one of his hands travel up my body and wrap around my neck.

"Do you want to live?" He questions as his hand squeezes around my windpipe. I nod my head as I try and pull his hand off me.

"Yeah? You want to live?" He mocks as his hand squeezes a little tighter.

I let out a voiceless scream.

Suddenly, he pushes me over and I fall back into my bed.
I gasp for air and he chuckles as he looks over at me.

"Alright. I let you live," he smiles as he walks towards me.

I crawl backward until my back presses against the wall. My eyes are filled with fear and my throat burns slightly.

The man crawls into bed with me and I scream as he grabs my ankle and pulls me closer to him.

"I'm Wednesday," he smiles as he pins me down to the bed.

I squirm underneath him as I desperately try to get away from him.

"And you're Abby," Wednesday smiles as he holds me down.

"Let me go," I beg. My voice is slightly broken and raw.

"Why would I let you go? You're my pet now," Wednesday smiles as his hands stroke my cheek.

I try and push him off of me but me slams me down even harder.

"It's useless to fight me," he whispers in my ear as his nails scratch my skin.

Wednesday jumps up and as I go to get up he holds a bat in his hands.
I scream as he hits me in the head with it.
I fall back over as my vision becomes blurry.

"Goodnight my pet," I hear Wednesday say as everything goes black.

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