Sunshine through rain

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This is written for my friend so be kind. She's the most amazing person in the world and she deserves all the love.
I love you!!!
I hope this makes you a little bit happy j0eYj0rdis0n
This is a Vinny Mauro story

She's a beautiful girl.
Intelligent, kind, warm hearted, talented, the funniest person to be around.
You could walk into a room and feel the power radiating off of her. She made everyone smile.

But she hasn't been able to see her own worth.
The yelling, the hatred. They all plague her like a deadly disease.

Screaming into the wind. All she can do is scream.

She brushes back her black hair as she sits against the brick wall outside of the concert she had gone to.

She was hoping that seeing Motionless in white play live would lift her spirits but someone ruined it for her.
That person always ruins things for her.

She just wants to be loved. All she wants is for one person that she loves to show her the same love back.

She tugs lightly at her hair as she slumps against the cold brick wall.
Her mind swarms with negativity. Eating at her brain like maggots to flesh.

She wants to scream to punch something. She wants to do anything to make her feel anything but the sadness that flows through her.

She blinks her eyes frantically.
She doesn't want to cry, even if no one is around.

Her eyes wander the dark alley as she takes in her surroundings.

An old dumpster rests against the wall on the opposite side of her.
Trash bags line the alley and an old busted vending machine rests at the entrance of the alley.

Graffiti laces the walls but it's not the artistic kind.
It's the kind of graffiti that you would find in a jail or an abandon house.
Chicken scratch and sloppy.

She pulls her knees into her chest as a painful cry escapes her lips.

She shakes her head as she feels a tear break from the barrier that her eyelashes have formed.

She plays with the spiked bracelet on her wrists.

She's never felt so alone in the cold, crisp air.
Nothing but the rats to keep her company.

She looks down at her old scuffed combat boots.
She smiles slightly as she looks at them.
The one thing she has that hasn't given out of her.

As soon as she shivers the sky growls and clouds cover the sunny sky. The alley gets three shades darker.

"Great," she sighs to herself as the sky opens up and pours out.

She runs her hands through her soaked hair as it clings to her face and sticks to her skin.

"All the effort I put in!" She screams as the rain melts her makeup and begins to wash it down her face.

"Every effort I make! This is what I get!!! No respect, no gratitude!" The girl screams as she punches the cold cement ground.

She can't hold back her tears anymore.
They flow down her face like the rain flows down her bare arms.

She knows she'll get a cold but she doesn't care.
She just wants to feel anything but this.

She pulls her knees up against her chest and buries her head into it.
He body shakes from the cold and her heavy sobbing.

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