four ; several pairs of underpants

16 3 0

taehyung had struggled to find an outfit suitable for such a royal luncheon; he was not accustomed to what colours and fabrics were fit for someone as pronounced as the prince. nonetheless, he managed to put together a dark emerald suit (coordinated to the decor surrounding him).

after hanging the suit up on a clothing hook, taehyung took a seat on the armchair as instructed. he felt immensely uncomfortable on a chair in which had probably cost more than all of his own possessions combined- but made sure he was sat as if he were a marionette being held up by a string.

he gazed around at the ostentatious furnishings, in awe of how many well-crafted objects the room was filled with. even the bed posts had been engraved with minuscule birds and flowers, taehyung felt as if he were in a doll's house.

the door opened revealing a wet-haired jeongguk; a bath robe tied loose around him. taehyung tried hard not to stare, but he was captivated by the prince's uncommon and bewitching looks. in a rush, he stood up hoping that his gazing hadn't been too obvious.

jeongguk walked over to where taehyung was positioned, though he made no obvious signs of acknowledging the boys presence.

( FORGOT TO MENTION AT THE START, taehyung : 18 / jeongguk : 20)

the younger kept his head down, partly because he felt completely inferior compared to the prince, but also because his pretty cheeks were tinted a shade of deepest rose.

"look at me." jeongguk's voice was much closer now. taehyung looked up, quivering slightly at the sight of the prince with wet hair cascading down his cheeks- his eyes looked warm though they had an element of sorrow hidden behind them. taehyung wondered whether there really was something wrong or if he had just read too many tragedies for his own good.

"will you be helping serve lunch?" the prince questioned, in more of a soft tone than taehyung was used to.

"i don't know, sir. i don't think i shall be allowed because of-  " taehyung trailed off, though indicating nervously at his bandaged hand. 

"master." jeongguk corrected, though his attention was on taehyungs hand. "how did you do this?" he asked, his own hands moving down to hold taehyungs and examine the damage.

taehyung flinched at the elders cold hands brushing against his own; the skin on his palm and wrist was a raging scarlet colour, but the swelling had definitely reduced. "from earlier today.." he murmured flushing a delicate pink, "i spilt some coffee."

the prince removed his own large pale hands from taehyungs much smaller pair, before moving back towards the door. "i'll request that namjoon sends a doctor for you-"

"really, there is no need master! namjoon has bathed it already- i just need to rest it for a little while." the younger interrupted, though immediately regretting it when jungkook's brows furrowed.

"taehyung, i will have a doctor called and you will let them treat you. end of story." the prince's voice was harsh but the severity did not reach his face which still housed a rather playful gentle smirk. "as soon as i'm finished down in the dining room, i'll be in my study so i won't be needing your service until later this evening. i'm going out for supper, but i expect you to be waiting in my room when i return. understood?"

with a small nod from taehyung, jungkook turned to look at his reflection in the small ornate mirror on the wall before reaching over to the dark oak door; pulling it open but giving taehyung no further glance.

taehyung rushed out of the room hastily and dashed through the quiet halls back to the bustling servant quarters. 

it was odd to think that only yesterday he was sat at the little flower shop, living a rather quiet existence- and now he had been thrown into this occupation were everything he did was important and had to be perfect.

a couple of the kitchen maids giggled and greeted taehyung as he hurried past them. he felt completely giddy knowing he had the entire afternoon for himself.

taehyung decided to venture upstairs to the room he knew he was sharing with 2 other boys of his age; deciding it would be good to unpack and settle in. he'd been in jin's room already, so he knew to expect nothing more than a sad looking bed accompanied by a stiff mattress and dusty pillows.

the young boy clambered up the steep stairs of one of the castles turrets, until he was met with a small trap door in the damp, moss-covered ceiling. he took a small breath and went to push the door open but someone beat him to it.

staring down at him was a boy with soft brown hair and wide eyes; he had a broad smile stretched across his face and he reached a small hand down holding a short rope ladder.

"welcome to the best room in the entire palace, taehyung." the boy snickered, glancing quickly up at what seemed to be a hole in the roof, stuffed with what looked like... several pairs of under pants?

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