two ; an improper welcome

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hi! in attempt to make my work easier to read on wattpad i've made the text less 'big chunky paragraph' and more 'smaller easier to read 1-2 sentence paragraph's' !


the journey to the palace was long and tiring; for the most part taehyung gazed out of the carriage window, ignoring any comments the gardener made in attempt to start a conversation. in all honesty, taehyung felt bad for being so rude but his mind was so busy that he couldn't bare to speak to anyone.

"we've arrived young man." the gardener stated as the carriage came to a halt in the gravel driveway at the front of the palace.

taehyung got up eagerly out of the carriage onto the gravel that was situated at the front of the palace. he scanned the nearest patches of grass, filled by gardeners, in hope of spotting jin. he couldn't help but stand in awe of the gardens, large elaborate fountains spurted crystal clear water, reflecting rainbows onto the fresh green grass. the smell of heavily perfumed flowers was like heaven to taehyung- he felt strangely like he was back at his beloved flower shop.

"taehyung! taehyung?"

taehyung jumped, regognising the voice immediately and shoving past the poor gardener before jumping a rosebush in order to reach the owner of the voice.

jin. jin, had been like a brother to taehyung and jimin; they met at the flower shop where taehyung worked and slowly began to do everything with each other. that is, until jin's mother sent him to work at the palace

taehyung wrapped his arms around the older tightly, burying his face into jin's chest. the safety of his familiar arms, scent and voice made taehyung feel guarded from the unfamiliarity that surrounded him.

"i've missed you so much! i new we'd be together again, jin! i just knew it"

jin chuckled and kissed the top of the younger's head before his soft features expressed a look of confusion, "what are you doing here, taehyung? and where is jimin now?"

"i've been hired to be the prince's maid.. and jimin got left behind.."

"the prince?! I thought they'd hire someone with a little more experience than you, taehyung," jin quickly saw he had upset the younger boy and put a comforting hand on his shoulder, "just because.. well the prince tends to be a rather difficult man to serve! that's all.."

taehyung giggled and pulled away from jin's chest, "i suppose i am rather an odd choice of servant. i don't think the prince will be too bad, i mean he is royalty after all."

but boy, was little taehyung wrong.


taehyung was instructed to see the king's footman, namjoon, immediately as he would be the one teaching taehyung how life worked around here. reality hit taehyung, and he realised he would be here, without his parents and beloved flower shop, for the foreseeable future. it did not seem long ago that jin had left, and taehyung had felt so small and young- he felt massively out of control away from jimin, and everything that he was used to."

the footman was much taller than taehyung, his eyes were like hazelnuts and his hair was pushed out of his face neatly. he stood very straight, as if he were trying to impress someone; taehyung guessed that that was something you were required to do when serving the royal family.

"good morning, taehyung! it's a pleasure to meet you, i'm glad to see you already have a close friend here," namjoon looked over at jin, who was pulling weeds from a small bed of tulips, adoringly.

taehyung saw the warmth in the older's eyes and the corners of his mouth turned up at the thought of jin, completely unaware of his admirer.

"anyways," namjoon spluttered and fidgeted with his collar in embarrassment at being caught staring, "would you like me to show you to your room first or would you like me to show you where the prince's quarters are?"

taehyung chose the latter and namjoon lead him deep into the great palace.

everything in there was gold or emerald, it was almost sickly to the eye. taehyung had no taste for expensive decor, he much preferred the simple and warm layout of his cottage back home.

after climbing another set of steps, they game to a dark corridor.

"now, all these rooms are the prince's, there's his bedroom at the end then bathroom and study."

taehyung nodded, confused as to how someone needed all this space,  "when will i meet him?"

"in about," namjoon looked at his leather watch, "10 minutes, prince jeongguk has a coffee at 10am sharp, everyday."


taehyung was shaking. every inch of his body was soaked in worry. the cup and saucer rattled in his hand as he approached the prince's study.

he brought his hand up to knock the gold engraved door before pushing it open, namjoon has specifically told him not to dawdle outside after knocking; the prince would be excepting him.

taehyung gasped to what the door had been hiding, infront of him sat the most attractive man he had ever laid eyes on; with his ebony hair tied back into a loose ponytail, his piercing eyes burnt through taehyung's skull.

to the left of the prince, a women in just her undergarments sat on the edge of his desk. her lipstick was smudged and her hands were hidden underneath the dark elm desk- she however, smirked at him which made taehyung's eyes widen, as he realised what he had just interrupted.

"get out." the prince snarled at the quivering boy in the door way.

taehyung's eyes teared up and he turned around with so much speed that the hot coffee spilt onto his pale arm; leaving behind a violent red burn.

taehyung yelped, turned around again to face the prince, put the coffee cup on the floor infront of the desk, slammed the door and made a run for it.

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