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"Rose!" I hear somewhere in the background but I don't pay heed to it. I need to finish this for one and all.

"That's right. You are destruction. Your family died because of you" I hear his voice again. "I rejected you because you are weak. You are not deserving of me. Those words of love were all lies" he continues to break my heart. I can't believe I let him get close.

"Look at me" he says but I close my eyes even tighter, not wanting to look at him. I felt his hands grab my face and squeeze tightly "Look at me!" He screamed and I opened my eyes.

The face that I loved so much is now twisted in anger. His green eyes look at me with nothing but hatred. His black hair that is usually so neat is falling over his face casting a shadow that makes him look dangerous.

"You are nothing, not to me, not to your family. Not to anything. You are a leech feeding off the kindness of a nice family that died to save you. You, that can't even save anyone. They were fools to put their trust in you, I am not a fool" he says with malice. I feel the tears falling down my face.

He wipes the tears away " Don't cry. It's not your fault you're weak. It's in your blood. Pathetic. " he says and drops my face. My head sags and I can't help but think he's right. My Mom and Dad died to save me, then Arthur and Aurora died to protect me and then I led Hunter's pack to save him because I thought he was kidnapped now here he is rejecting me. Damien is probably dead too. I should die. I think.

I feel a familiar heating sensation in my heart and this time I let it spread and encompass me.

"Rose stop! That's not me!" I hear the voice again. It sounds so familiar but I was too out of it too care. I felt the heat expand and grow and let it continue to kill me. It's the least I can do. So noone else dies.

"Yes Rose! Show me what you are capable of! Let go!" He screamed and I listened. I spread my arms and let it grow.

"Shut up, you bastard!" The other voice screamed. Soon I heard the clashing of swords and knew they were fighting. More fighting and it's all my fault. I want them to stop, I want all the fighting to stop so I raise my hands towards the sealing and let the heat expand to over the building. Everywhere I felt fighting, I let the heat spead over it.

"She's using too much power!" I heard one voice say. "She's magnificent" the other says "You idiot she will kill us all! We have to stop her!" The first one says and then I hear more sword clashing "If we die, it's because the Goddess deems it so. And the Goddesses wish is my command " the other replies. Even in the face of death, they are still fighting. They are all as corrupted as me. We should all die. Then there will be peace.

The swords clash somemore until silence reaches my ears. It seems like someone died. One more death on my hands. I prepare to release all of my heat.

"Rose stop, please." I hear the voice says " Too late" I think until I feel a searing pain stretch through my heart. The heat completely disappears as it's replaced with a cold and empty feeling. Similar to a few moments ago but somehow worse.

I turn and am struck with horror. I see Hunter reaching out to me... with a sword struck through his chest. His mouth hung open in disbelief. The sword turns and is pulled out.

Hunter falls to the floor and his killer falls behind him. Evander. Both bodies hit the ground with a thud.

" Hunter! " I scream and run towards him. The memories of us filling my head. The first day we met. The day we found out we were mates. The day we told each other 'I love you '. Our first date. All of it.

I fall down next to him, holding his hand." I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" I say tears falling from my face because I know that this death too is my fault.

He opens his eyes and looks at me with nothing but love. I look next to him and see Evander, I realize that it was Evander who rejected me, I don't know how he mimicked the pain of a rejection but he manipulated me with it and I fell for it. And now he's dead.

"Look at me, Rose" I hear Hunter speak. I turn to look at him. My hand carassing his face, pushing stray hair from his face.

"Don't let this change you. You are beautiful. Remain beautiful. Become the ruler you were always meant to be. I love y-" then he went silent and I knew.

I felt it in my heart. My other half. My lifeline. My love. My mate was dead...

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