Chapter 5

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"Run" Mom repeats but I still don't move. "Damien, grab her and let's move!" Mom yells and I immediately feel 2 hands grab me and I'm thrown over my brother's shoulder as we run for what I know is our emergency exit.

As soon as we reach the door I see 2 pairs of eyes find mine. He keeps my gaze as a slow smirk moves over his beautiful face. His eyes trail down my face as mine does the same. It couldn't have been more than 2 seconds but I saw all I needed to, a beautiful person made from God's finest working hours dripped in a golden hue that probably came from hours of sun tanning.

The door closes and cuts off our gazes and the spell is broken. I focus on where we are now and find us well on our woodland trail to our back-up vehicle so we can disappear.

Not even a minute after that thought, a boom! rings out throughout the forest. I look up to see that it's at the exact location where our car was supposed to be.

"Fuck" Damien whispered. We hear the footsteps of the men following us. We turned to run in a different direction but soon we heard footsteps from the side too, we turned into a different direction but the same thing happened and I realized just as fast as my family that we were herded, like fucking sheep, to where we were.

Damien puts me down and looks at me, into my soul. "Whatever happens, stay behind me." He says.

I started shaking my head but Mom came into my line of sight. "Yes My sweet. We need you to listen to us on this one. We need you to stay put, no matter what " she says and just as I'm about to respond I get interrupted.

" I'm afraid she can't make that promise, my lovely Aurora " a deep and angelic voice says and I immediately turn around to see the being that I saw earlier and as soon as our eyes connect, everything fades and I feel like I diving headfirst into his eyes.

" You asshole" my Mom says to him and I want to ask her why she's saying that to this man. He can't be that. He's amazing.

He smirks and speaks to her but never removes his eyes from mine. I like that. "I'm not doing anything other than what I promised. I told you what I wanted and you decided to steal her." He says and he's eyes turn sad. No he can't be sad. He can never be sad. I so badly want to walk over to him and hug him.

"She has never belonged to you and you know it" Damien says to him with venom in his voice.

He tilts his head and a smirk once again makes its way to his face. "Let's ask her, shall we?" He says

"Rose?" My mom says and I feel a hand on my shoulder but I don't turn towards it "Oh no" she says "Let her go you bastard!" Damien hisses. Their voices sounds so far away. Muffled and so far away.

"Why? Is it because you don't want her to be with her mate?" He asks and my heart swells. My mate! "My mate?" I say and I feel a smile form over my face. He nods at the same time my Mom screams "No! She is not your mate. She cannot be your mate!"

My smile falteres a little hearing the anguish in my Mom's voice. But a quick flash of a smile from my mate quickly washes away all thoughts of that. This feels right.

" Come Rose, you belong at my side " he says and I immediately take a step forward before a hand holds be back. I don't even look who it is. A dark look crosses my mates face before he switches to irritation.

"Bring him!" I hear him yell at someone and my Dad appears from somewhere behind him and he's forced to kneel. That's not right, Dad doesn't kneel to anyone but Mom. My eyes breaks away from my mates to look at my Dad. It feels like I'm coming out of a dream, a haze.

He looks terrible, he has bruises all over his face, he's work attire is ripped in multiple places and he looks so tired. "Rose." I hear my name and my eyes move from my Dad to my mate's.

He's holding out his hand "Come to me" he says and I feel like I'm drowning again. My worries about my Dad fade into the back of my mind and I move forward again. This time noone holds me back and I feel like I've missed some exchange.

My hand connects with his and immediately my entire body relaxes. He brings me to his chest and his eyes flash with victory before he finally moves his eyes from me to my family for a moment, nothing being said or maybe I just don't hear it.

He turns with me and says "Kill them" those words and the scream of my mom makes me look over his arm to see my Dad. Laying on the ground, blood pooling around him and my entire body stiffens.

"Shit" I hear his voice from above me and I feel his hand trying to move my face to his but my eyes never strayed from my Dad and the wolves currently approaching my brother and Mother and then my body started shaking. A voice in my head repeating one word 'Kill'

The word repeats over and over getting louder 'Kill' 'Kill' 'Kill!' I faintly hear the sound of a bell.

"Ding" my muscles shake.
"Ding" my heart seizes.
"Ding" I fall to the ground
"Ding" my arms bones breaks
"Ding" my other bones follow suit
"Ding" I yell in pain and agony
"Ding" my bones rearranges
"Ding" blood rushes to my brain
"Ding" my fur sprouts
"Ding" my senses intensifies
"Ding" claws enlarges
"Ding..." I stand onto all fours with one word in mind.


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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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