Chapter 2

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A few moments later I heard the sound of the door closing and sighed. I knew  I was the problem, I just didn't know why. He acted as if  I was some sort of plague. This started a few weeks ago, he would randomly walk into a room but the moment he saw me he would turn and walk out. I sighed once more.

Both Mom and Damien looked after dad just like me. It was a while before mom recovered "So what are we doing for your birthday Rose?" She asked me

Oh did I forget to mention that at 12 tonight I turn a lovely 16 years old. My family cannot wait for it, I on the other hand can wait all I want. Something about this birthday feels different, as if foreboding.

I don't answer, move my plate away from me and get up. "I'm not hungry anymore." I say and started walking out of the room

"Rose honey, you know he loves you, don't you?" Mom says to try and do damage control. I stop but don't turn around. I might just start crying " I know " I reply and leave before they can say anything else.

I enter my bedroom and fling myself on my bed with a frustrated scream." What did I do wrong?" I ask myself.

This is not the first time I've asked this to myself. I still don't have an answer though, everything was fine until a few weeks ago when dad started avoiding me like a walking plague.

A knock on my door broke me from my rant. There's only one person who knocks when coming to my room. My mom just comes in, dad doesn't come here so I knew who it was

"Go Away" I yell at my brother. He completely ignores me and opens the door anyway, "Come on little sis. You know that you are my soulmate and I can tell when you wanna punch something or rather someone. But since you cannot punch the intended person of your wrath, I have come to sacrifice my beloved face for the greater good" he finishes his little monologue with a knee on the gound as if he's actually being sacrificed.

I roll my eyes but I know his goal was achieved because I laughed a moment later." Idiot" was my reply. "Get up and go get the car, we're gonna be late to school" I say as I shove him to the side.

He brings on the bright smile and nods with a bow "Your wish is my command" he says before practically sprinting out of the room.

I let out another laugh before grabbing my bag and leaving the room as well. I make my way downstairs and was gonna walk outside to wait for Damien but decided to go and greet mom and dad. I know he's angry at me now but that's no reason for me not to show him that I love him.

I walk towards the study because I know that's where they'll both be. I approach and have my hand on the handle but then I hear them talking.

I was going to leave. Truly, I was not taught to eavesdrop but my name caught my ear and I thought that I could figure out why dad was angry, so I stayed.

"You need to stop this Arthur" You are hurting that girl and she's not even the one at fault" I heard mom scolding dad." If fact neither do I because you don't want to talk to me about it." She continues and I hear the hurt in her voice. I've never known mom and dad to fight, never even a proper disagreement. They have always been in perfect harmony. They are soul mates. They are required to.

I hear dad sigh and reply " This is not something that I can just discuss, Aurora. I need you to trust me. Know that what I'm doing is for the best, that it's all to protect you and our children " Dad says and I can hear the exhaustion in his voice. I actually want him to tell mom what this is about, not for me. I just want him to have someone that he can share the load with.

" I know honey and that's why I'm asking you to tell me. I want to protect this family just as much as you" she says " You are currently hurting our daughter and that might hurt this family more than anything on the outside. We need to be able to love and trust each other. So trust me as well" she concluded and left the ball in dad's court.

He sighs " I can't tell you everything now, because I also don't know everything but I can tell you that we might not have run far enough and things are going to change drastically. We may need to deal with the change this year." He says and mom gasps.

" That's suppose to happen next year, we are suppose to have one more year to explain it to her. She won't understand so soon." She starts her rant and I know this is going to on a while before Dad can calm her down.

I was going to go in now but I heard a honk and knew Damien was waiting for me. I slowly back away from the door and go outside with a million questions in my head.

Who were they talking about?
What was the change they were talking about? My shift? But that only happens when you turn 17. But I was the only one in the family that hasn't shifted yet.
Where did we run from?
If we did run, why?

"Hey, you think any harder, I'll start to think you actually have knowledge in that brain of yours" Damien's voice broke me out of my revier.

"Even without knowledge, I'd still be smarter than you, idiot" I told him and climbed in the car. He stares at me for a breath before he pulls out of the driveway with lightning speed, laughing as we head to school.

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