Chapter 3

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After Damien's latest attempt to kill us, we stepped out to face the greatest pain in the ass. School.

It's not the school itself, in fact I love school, but the people inside of it makes it a miserable place designed to torture lost souls like myself.

I know you'd expect me to be popular because of my parents and for a time I was until I discovered that my popularity was at the expense of fake friends and faker boyfriends. Since then I've practically moved off the popular map and to my surprise my best friends along with my brother joined me.

Of course we are not completely unnoticed which is further enforced when Damien and I walk towards the school and people started whispering and pointing at us, but at least we were able to go through most of our days drama free. Today, however was not one of those days.

Some teens were whispering in the corners or crowds where they thought they were unnoticed, I heard what they were saying though "I wonder why she left the populars?" A girl said "I heard that she got pregnant and she had to get an abortion" another said "I heard that she killed her ex" another whispered and that one stopped me in my tracks "What? Roland?" Someone else whispered "Yeah, I heard he was cheating on her with Whitney and so she killed him and her parents got the charges dropped without any proper investigation" the first one replied.

My head couldn't stop spinning 'Is that what they think happened?' I think

" Woah, but why would he cheat on her? I heard they were a power couple. I'm not believing that" someone else said.

I remember how we were, we really were a power couple. Too bad he had to ruin it. " No really, don't you remember how weird Rose was last year. It's like she was possessed, always acting out and causing trouble. I even heard that she went to rehab" The first one responded  "And now she's back and acting like he didn't even exist. It's just weird and suspicious... " She trails off

I was just going to correct her. When Damien put a hand on my shoulder and said one word "Don't" not as a warning but as if she's not worth the breath. I just nodded and continued walking "She's wasn't worth it. There's a reason we got out of that crowd and only we need to know it." He says once we reach our lockers.

Usually juniors and seniors don't share the same locker space but Damien insisted and said the locker he now occupied was his favorite and that he has it when he was a freshman. A whole load of bullshit if you ask me but I let him stay anyway.

Let me explain, as I said early we are Familial wolves, a type of wolf that depends on it's family for the bonds that packs usually give.  It's usually a generational thing that is passed down from parent to child.

We are usually found in places of power. Lawyers, politicians, mayors... And we manipulate things from the dark, whispering in people's ears and getting those who knows to shut up.

Now being that influential, familial wolves come from old money and the Steele's are one of the oldest.

Now Roland was also a familial wolf. He was sent here to do damage control with my parents on a Rouge that went wild and killed a whole bunch of humans. Usually the title of head wolf in the family isn't given to a young wolf but Roland was good at what he did and I witnessed it with my own eyes.

During his stay, he attended West Wood High with us and we ended up a couple. A strong couple and when his assignment was over, I thought he would stay but he told me that I was just a really good cover and nothing between us was real. Since Roland didn't grow up here, being my boyfriend gave him the excuse to be in places he should not have been. The perfect name to throw around, Steele.

It just happened that Whitney was also there that night and heard everything, she demanded a high price to keep her mouth shut and being a good Familial wolf, he gave her exactly what she wanted... A night with him.

Since then, Whitney went around telling people that he chose her over me but she kept her mouth shut, no surprise since any promises made to a Familial wolf by humans is as strong as a blood vow that wolves do.

I, on the other hand spiraled. I caused major destruction and got into a lot of trouble, my parents did help me get out of a lot of these incidents. Damien was the one who stopped me, having shifted a few months prior, he took me into the woods and shifted, then he attacked me, nearly killed me too, but that was the wake up call I needed. I could've died with my theatrics and I would've never gotten to meet my wolf.

Since then Damien and I trained more in order to learn how to channel emotions properly, we even did meditation. He might only be 2 years older than me, but he was wise beyond his years.

"I mean she was just a glorified whore, it's not like he loved her or anything" someone said... And just like that all the meditation we did over the years evaporated.

I stopped in my tracks and turned my head to look at Amber, one of Whitney's back-up bitches. I turned and smiled at her, not a very nice smile, in fact.

"Rose..." I heard Damien say behind me in warning but he too knew that it was pointless to try and steer me away now. I ignored him and slowly made my way to Amber.

"You know Amber" I said starting my comeback "I don't think you know what the definition of whore is because if you did, you would see that it was not me that was the whore" I said and not so subtly moved my eyes to Whitney who was standing next to her.

Noticing my jab, Whitney's smirk faded and her face turned red "How dare you, bitch. Just so you know, there was a reason he chose me over you. I mean what guy would even want you. You are worthless" she said with her hands failing everywhere

My smile turned dark and my eyes narrowed." I may be worthless to guys but I don't give a fuck. Wanna know why? " I said as I take a step closer to her. " Because you need a guy to make you feel beautiful, I don't" Another step "You need a guy to make you feel worthy, I don't" Another step "You need a guy to validate your miserable existence on this planet and make you feel like you are something, I don't" I take another step I'm practically standing on top of her. The fact that she's taller than me not making a difference in how much more dominant I am in the situation.

I don't break my gaze from hers as I see tears in her eyes. I don't pity her as I deliver my final blow "And most of all... You need to be standing her having this conversation with me as I'm delivering valuable information to your life, whereas I don't need to be here talking to you because you provide absolutely nothing to my life" I say

The hallway was quiet as I stared her down, watching as the tears make their way down her face. A hand fell on my shoulder and I immediately tensed before realizing who it was.

"That's enough Rose" Damien said and had to physically move me down the hallway but before I could turn I saw a couple of boys standing there with their fist in their mouths to stuffle their laughter and I immediately understood why she'd done it.

I looked at Whitney who was still looking at me and gave her a soft but small smile "Next time, before making a fool of yourself and getting in such confrontations again, make sure the man you are doing it for is worth it" I said to her and I hoped that I conveyed my sincerely regarding that statement.

A simple nod of her head confirmed she did. Without another word, I turned and walked to my first period.

The screams of my best friends brought a sigh to my lips, knowing that I'm not getting anything done until they get the 'deets' as they call it. Thinking about that situation made me smile.

Whitney may be a bitch but judging from the look in her eyes, I could see that she was just lost and hopefully the words I said impacted her in some way.

Regardless of what anyone says I was not a feral wolf even though I did stray from my agenda and I was a little lost but luckily for me I had a brother who would protect me from everyone and anything, even myself.

The Dark RoseDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora