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"...and then this poor lad came running into the centre of the village..."
They all were in Aunt Merida's little townhouse. In the kitchen/ dining room, Merida listened intently to Rubid's retelling of what had happened before they came here. All of them, apart from Merida were sitting in a wide booth big enough for everyone to have at least a little bit of space. At the end of Rubid's story, Merida looked shellshocked; her face had gone slack and she was just gazing at Rubid. Snapping herself out of that daze, she managed to say, "Well, i hope poor little Lithium recovers greatly, as a child shouldn't have to go through all that hubbub!"
She turned around and made her way to the counters to begin making tea for everyone.
"The question is, why?" said Audrey. "Why would Techno Reef be Glitterbombed? What is this troll's purpose?"
"Well. let's brainstorm," said Wyatt. "Lithium said that the Techno and Dubstep trolls there went 'feral', so maybe to be put under control somehow? Brainwashed?"
"I have a feeling it might not just be the Mashup hotspot," said Chenille. Audrey, Cortney, Synth and Kit nodded in agreement. Merida came back with four cups of tea.
"I'll be back with some more, then i'll join your conversation," she said while setting them down on the table in front of them. Cortney, Wyatt, Rubid and Synth took them and started drinking. Rubid nearly spilt hers down herself. Synth chuckled.
"All right, gals, and lad," Kit added, looking at Synth. "We don't know who it is and why, but i think if we look into the situation, we will have clues!"
"So we analyse the situation?" asked Audrey.
Kit opened her mouth to say yes, but was distracted by the sound of hooves on the stairs. She ferociously nodded and looked back at the stairs. A male Country troll emerged, and he looked no older than Kit. He made his way into the kitchen and was obviously confused by all the guests there.
"Kit, who have you got here?" he asked.
"Barley, meet my friends," and then Kit told him their names, gesturing to each one. Barley nodded at each one introduced to him. After that, he tipped his hat in a bow. Behind him, Merida was waiting to give the remaining three their tea. He moved out of the way and she placed them on the table so Chenille, Audrey and Kit could take them.
"I heard some of your ideas over yonder," said Merida. "I gotta say, y'all are bright trolls."
The two immature Techno trolls snickered at "bright".
"Thank you Missus Merida," said Wyatt. "We just want to make sure that we can reverse the situation and get everyone who is effected back unharmed."
Rubid's smile vanished. Apart from Lithium who was nearly torn to pieces, she thought.
The door banged open, and a screaming Beat flew in.
Everyone gasped. Synth slid out of his seat and held Beat carefully in his arms. Beat held no sign of injury.
"Pop Village has been Glitterbombed?" he asked, while trying to keep his breath steady.
"Yes! Trollex, Amdrix, Trollreig and Venice was caught in it!" Beat said, with tears in his eyes.
Rubid glanced down the table. She didn't know who looked the most upset; Audrey had furious tears in her eyes, Wyatt was sobbing quietly and Chenille's afro seemed to deflate. All of them had friends or family there: Audrey had Branch, Wyatt had her father and her brothers and Chenille had her parents and little sister.
The door was still open, and Delta Dawn peeked in.
"I could hear that little fish a mile off! Y'all need to leave. Now." It wasn't being strict or anything, there was a hint of urgency in her voice.
"What?" said Kit.
"I saw an explosion of orange glitter not far from the end of the town-"
Delta ran off, taking the lead. Everyone but Merida followed suit.
"Your lives are more valuable than mine! I'd get hit knowing that you are going to try and stop this!" she called.
Their balloon wasn't too far ahead.
"There it is!" said Rubid, pointing to it.
A Glitterbombed Country threw a pitchfork at the balloon, making a hole in it and letting all the air out.
"We're runnin' then! C'mon!" yelled Kit. Rubid hopped onto Kit's back. Synth wrapped his arms around Chenille's neck so she could give him a piggy back not far behind them. Kit looked back: there were three Glitterbombed Countries running after them, but they were pretty far behind. She picked up the pace a little more. She ended up being next to Delta, who asked, "Do you know why this is happenin'?"
"'Fraid not, Mayor," answered Kit. "We don't even know who it is."
"Damn it," said Delta. "Well, safest place will be Trollstopia, because it's unlikely there'll be another bombing there. Let's just hope there's a sanctuary of some sort."

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