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Trollex awoke to something stroking his face. He opened his eyes and remembered that he wasn't in his own bed, he was in Amdrix's. Amdrix was facing him, but staring in a completely different direction. It seemed Amdrix had woken up before Trollex, started stroking him, then zoned out, since he was fixated on the wall. It took him a minute to realise that Trollex was awake. He stopped stroking his face and smiled at him. Trollex smiled back.
"How well did you sleep?" Amdrix asked.
"Meh, could've been better. I did wake up a couple times. It was definitely better than sleeping alone though," added Trollex.
"The power of me," said Amdrix, puffing his chest out slightly, pretending to be cocky. Trollex rolled his eyes playfully.
He turned around.
"You're awake, finally!" it was Beat. "You were asleep for a while, man."
"Was i?" said Trollex.
Both Amdrix and Beat nodded.
"Look how bright it is outside," said Amdrix, pointing to a window. It was about nine in the morning.
"Aw, you two waited for me?" said Trollex. "How sweet!"
Amdrix got up and swam to where his Blobbit was sleeping. A Blobbit is the same creature Seii is and they're native to the Dubstep region. They're technically just round cats with no tail, torso or hind legs, so they're pretty dependent on floating. This one was a bit thicker than Seii, however.
Amdrix picked up his Blobbit. It was stirring a little.
"This little cutie is Amelia," he said. Amelia opened her eyes and her eyes immediately snapped onto Trollex.
"Dubstep legends say that these dumb beauties can tell if trolls are soulmates or not. I honestly don't believe them."
Amelia made little motions with her tiny paws. Trollex approached with caution and petted the top of her head. She made little purring sounds.
"She likes you."
Behind Trollex, Beat was making a face. This caught Amdrix's attention and Beat immediately changed course before Drix could finalise what he saw.
There was a knock at the door. Trollex's advisor, Blin, swam in.
"There you boys are!" he said, looking agitated. "We've been waiting for you all for about half an hour!"
He then left.
"You look a bit starved," said Amdrix to Trollex. "I think we should go down there and get you something to eat."
"No, no," said Trollex, shaking his head. "I'm not hungry."
"Technos need a healthy king, though," said Amdrix. "Don't they?" he added, raising an eyebrow.
He had a point.

Peaking round the corner to the dining hall, Trollex and Amdrix spotted the girls floating about, chatting. Rubid sounded very impatient and her accent was coming in thickly, and it seemed like Venice had trouble understanding her. At all. She had an unenthusiastic smile on her face and she was just nodding uncertainly.
"Rubid is talking about us," said Amdrix in Trollex's ear. This made Trollex start and hit his head on the wall.
The girls heard the thud and saw the boys watching them. Rubid was not amused.
"We're starvin'!" she exclaimed. "I had the cooks hold makin' food fo' us so it wouldn't go bad when you came!"
"I was tired!" said Trollex back.
Rubid, not having a comeback, stuck her tongue out.
"Excuse me."
Everyone turned around to face Blin, who just swam in, letter in hand.
"Ambassador Synth just sent a letter saying that the ceremony's today!"
Silence. Then...
"CORAL CEREAL!" yelled Amdrix.

After having just hard cereal for breakfast, everyone swam up to the current that would take them to Pop Village. It wasn't just Rubid's group though; both Technos and Dubsteps were going down the same current as them. Looking behind her, Rubid could see that there was barely any conflict between these two tribes, seeing that the Dubsteps' king had taken Rubid when she was younger. This made Rubid smile.

They had been on the current for about two hours until they reached somewhere reminiscent of Techno Reef. The Technos there were waving in welcome. Some of the Technos from the Reef were reuniting with the Technos from the Lagoon, while the Dubsteps were just... there.
"What else did Synth say in his letter?" said Rubid.
Trollex crewed up his face in concentration, trying to remember what Blin said.
"I think he said, 'meet me in Techno Lagoon,'?" he said, unsure.
"Helpful," muttered Amdrix.
Venice sniffed.
"Should i look for him?" said Trollex, pointing his thumb behind him.
"Wait," replied Rubid.
Not even thirty seconds later, Rubidium shouted, "Synth!" really loudly. Everyone looked at her.
Trollex joined in.
Two minutes into the shouting fest, Amdrix said, "Oh look."
And everyone whipped their heads around to look in the direction he was looking at. Trollex had cricked his neck, and was rubbing it.
Synth, the smug bastard, was behind them the entire time.
"Hi," he said.
No one was amused; Venice had an eyebrow raised, Trollex was pinching the space between his eyes and both Rubidium and Amdrix were just unamused.
Synth held his arms out to hug Trollex, and did just that, but Trollex still looked annoyed, nevertheless, Trollex hugged him back.
"You all here for the 'history making,' ceremony?" Synth asked, making quotation marks with his hands, smiling.
"No, we're here to drop-kick Poppy," said Rubid sarcastically.
It was Synth's turn to be unamused.
"Anyway, we should go," he said, swimming forward. "I think ceremony already started."

shiishii's discoveries: the sequelNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ