grey (part one)

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(theres a lot of oc x canon watch out)

Amdrix knew nothing about the Glitterbombing that happened there a few hours ago. All he knew that he exists, and nothing else. He remembered nothing about him or anyone. He didn't have a voice, and he had no thoughts going through his head all the time. Empty.
He glanced at the cupcake stand not far from him and then looked at the troll next to him. Trollex. He was the only troll that Amdrix knew a little inkling about. Amdrix walked over to the cupcake line while Trollex stayed where he was. A few other trolls came in the line behind Amdrix.
When Amdrix was in the front of the line, all of the cupcakes had the same shade of grey icing with no decorations that made them stand out. He picked the one closest to him and went over to Trollex. After running over to him, they found a place to sit down. Amdrix only chose one cupcake... and he gave it to Trollex, as an act of peace and that he wants to be friends. Trollex took the gesture nicely but only held the cupcake in his hands. He did not know what it was, he thought it was some sort of ornament. It was only until he accidentally squeezed it too much that was when he realised that it was edible. He peeled off some of the paper and bit into the sponge. It was some sort of citrusy flavour, the sponge was moist and had a perfect texture. He looked over at Amdrix uncertainly. He was just looking at him with no emotion on his face. Amdrix made a quiet sound in his throat. He wasn't being threatening, he said hello.

When Trollex had finished eating, they went to the shore of the Lagoon to hang out for a bit. Trollex felt dry, so he scooped some water onto his face. Amdrix hovered over him. Trollex stood up straight and put his head on Amdrix's chest. He could feel the soft vibrations of his heart against his face and it felt... familiar, like he's done this before with him. Amdrix wrapped his arms around Trollex's head and stroked a hand through his hair. Trollex felt a small smile appear on his face as Amdrix swayed him from side to side. They were like this for a while, about ten minutes before Amdrix made a low growl. Trollex felt the vibrations of the sound and looked up to see what was wrong. Amdrix was staring straight ahead and his teeth were bared: Trollex could see that his side teeth were sharp, like shark teeth. He turned around to look in the direction Amdrix was staring at, but he saw nothing. But he heard... sounds? They were quiet but distinguishable. They had their own tone and it wasn't growling or anything. Were they-?
Amdrix had let go of Trollex and floated over to the source of the sound, his teeth still bared. Trollex quickly followed, but on fins.
They peered around a rock and saw two trolls. One purple, one pinky-purple. Both of them the same kind of troll as Trollex. The (supposedly) female puffed out her broad chest and approached the two Glitterbombed trolls cautiously.
"Rubid, what are you doing?" said the purple male.
"Rubid" snapped her head around to glare at her companion. She turned it back around and continued to approach the other two.
"Hey," she said quietly and softly. "I'm a friend. I'm not going to hurt you." she had started to extend her arm towards the two Glitterbombed trolls. Amdrix didn't seem to want to attack, but he was still protectively holding Trollex. Trollex, on the other hand, was curious. He wriggled himself out of Amdrix's embrace and began to approach the female slowly. His back was bent, meaning he was prepared for a sneak attack. The female's hand was still extended, and she was stood still. She was all smiles, but they weren't exaggerated or fake: she was greeting him like an actual friend. Trollex lifted his hand and cautiously put it in hers. Using her other hand, the female pointed to a beating, blue pixel heart on her chest. "See? Friends!"
Trollex looked at his chest. His heart was a light grey, but the same shape. He looked at the male behind the female. He had a pixel heart too, but green. Trollex looked behind him. Amdrix had a heart too, and it was beating, but it had more edges. He felt left out. His face had genuine sadness on it.
"Synth," said the female, gesturing towards Amdrix with her head. The male took one glance at Amdrix and noticed his physical language had changed completely. He took a couple steps towards Amdrix as to not provoke him and to let him have some space. He held out his hand slowly. Amdrix took a step towards him. He looked at Trollex, who smiled at him, his hand still in the female's. He took another step but with his arm outstretched this time. He realised that this was an act of friendship and quickly grabbed the male's hand, surprising him. The female was surveying the Glitterbombed trolls closely, but she was trying not to look threatening since they had just formed an alliance. She let go of Trollex's hand. Amdrix let go of the male's.
"We have to go, but i hope to see you again," she said. She then waved then turned to climb the rocks. The male followed. Amdrix and Trollex watched them until they couldn't see them anymore. When they couldn't, Trollex dropped his gaze and began racking his brain. When they met those two peculiar trolls, he immediately felt some sort of connection between them, and that's why he found it easy to approach them. He recognised the female's and the male's voices, but he didn't know who they were. They called themselves "Rubid" and "Synth". He just couldn't put the pieces together.

with synth and rubid

Synth and Rubid climbed through a series of trees to get to their destination. There were loads, and it looked like Rubid could go on for ages. For the twelfth time, Rubid had to wait while Synth caught his breath until immediately swinging off again. She has never been in trees, yet she knew her way around them. Rubid swung through five more trees before she spotted it. "I found the bunker! Let's hope everyone is inside, if not-" she said while sliding down the tree trunk. Synth was climbing down by the branches. Rubid waited for him before pushing the lever to the elevator to get them down into the bunker. While descending into the underground of Branch's bunker, Rubid thought about that encounter with Trollex and Amdrix. Both of them had entirely lost their colours and even their pupils but still could see. What was that? They also couldn't talk, Amdrix had made some questionable sounds during that encounter. Trollex was like he always was, a curious little creature. It seemed as if they might've lost their memories since they didn't recognise her and Synth.
Rubid felt the bottom of the elevator shudder; they had touched down onto the very bottom of the bunker.

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