parade to victory

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Rubid, Wyatt, Audrey, Dante, Chenille and Cortney had gone to steal the items from the leaders. It was surprising that Val didn't go too, but Branch learned from her that she couldn't be bothered. Imiz felt a little left out because he was the only Classical in the bunker at that moment, but him and Clampers played all sorts of games, sometimes dragging the other trolls into them, with one instance being hide and go seek, where Imiz persuaded Zyon to count for them and it ended up with all hell breaking loose, with Branch trying to clean up after them.
Laguna and Epalarei were reading and rereading the book Branch had when he made his discovery to get every fact absorbed into their heads.
Synth was having a lively conversation with Delta and Val about how he visited Techno Reef once and almost strangled Rubid to death by accident with her own hair. Val was grinning madly, but Delta had her mouth wide open.
Kit was strumming her guitar to add to the atmosphere while listening to Synth's story, sometimes pausing to listen better. Barley just slept in a corner, doing the occasional snore.
"...that was the second visit after i knew that Rubid was my younger sister," said Synth.
"I still am astonished on how ya managed to grab her hair and twist it around her neck tha' tigh'ly," said Delta.
"Me and Rubid discussed this after she gained consciousness because neither of us knew what happened. I had my back turned, i hear a thud, she's on the floor," said Synth.
"Are you sure you weren't trying to kill her off so you're Trollex's favourite again?" asked Val playfully.
Synth chuckled. "I get where you're getting at, Val, but whenever i do go back home, Rubid is attached to me."
They heard a faint whirr.
"Y'all! I think that's someone comin' back!" said Kit excitedly, bouncing up and down slightly. "I heard the elevator!"
Sure enough, Audrey is on the elevator, holding Poppy's crown. Wyatt and Dante fly down after her, Wyatt wearing a conductor's robe for some reason.
"Easy," said Audrey, putting the crown on the round table in the middle of the room. Wyatt was taking the robe off and folding it carefully. She then laid it down on the table, also. Behind her, Dante was looking overly pleased with himself.
"I'm going to go and have a nap," said Audrey. "Wake me when Chenille and the others come back." She then walked into the "hall of crushed dreams," as Clampers called it, a.k.a the room with the mattresses.
When she left, Synth made himself comfortable on the beanbag he was lying on and closed his eyes, breathing deeply. Val left to find Branch, who was supposedly still chasing Clampers, Imiz and Zyon. Delta stayed where she was, keeping an eye on Synth. Kit had stopped strumming her guitar and was now watching the elevator. Barley was still asleep. Laguna and Epalarei were now quietly chatting, but they were sitting on beanbags on the opposite side of the room. Looking over once or twice, Delta saw little blushes on both girls' faces. She gave a small smile. Putting her gaze back onto Synth, he had fallen asleep, twitching a few times occasionally. Delta put a hand on his upper arm motherly, still with the smile on her face. (delta is best mum delta is best mum delta is best mum-)
Rubid had come floating down the elevator ten minutes after the other two girls and Dante. She really did not look happy, despite the fact she was holding Trollex's beads in her hands. She put the beads on the table and started wiping her face with her arm.
"Rubid," called Delta quietly. Rubid turned her head to look at her. Delta gestured to Rubid to come and sit next to her, which she did do.
"Now, wha' happen'd?" asked Delta softly. Rubid opened her mouth to speak, but no sound came out. She shook her head and put it in her hands. At this moment, Chenille had come back with a slightly bumped and bruised Cortney. They put their items on the table and went to find Branch.
Delta said to Rubid, "now, just sit here and relax until Branch comes back, okay?" Rubid nodded gratefully.

They were all now surrounding the small, round table in the middle of the room. The trolls that were going to touch the leaders' items were standing right by the table behind their artefacts, while everyone else stood further away behind them.
Rubid still wouldn't speak, so it was Kit who had to call the shots.
"Okay, hands on items," she announced. "One."
There was an intake of breath around the table.
They all touched the items simultaneously, and each item had its own unique glow; Poppy's crown was glowing pink, touched by Audrey, the robe and Essence's crown was glowing purple, touched by Chenille, the beads were glowing blue, the conductor's robe was glowing yellow, the belt was glowing red and the hat was glowing orange.
"Right! Switch!" yelled Kit. They went in a clockwise movement, touching the item on their left. The items now had the same glow to the tribe that was touching it, just never its own.
"Okay, now y'all, let go," said Kit. Which they did.
The next step was to wear their respective leaders' items correctly.
Rubid took her hairbands out and replaced them with the beads, Wyatt put the conductor's robe over her jumper, Kit just placed the hat on her head and Cortney replaced her belt with Barb's.
"It shouldn't be just us," said Audrey, with Poppy's crown now on her head. "All of you should come too. Everyone participated."
There was a small discussion amongst the other trolls. They seemed to come to an agreement, and simultaneously nodded, some determinedly.
"It's a parade to victory!" announced Wyatt, tiny fist in the air. "All for one..."
"And one for all!"

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