Leave me

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"I'll be back soon baby I swear"

She said to shark as she dropped him off at my place

" and you too tayden of course"

She said kissing me

" I'll miss you too bils I'll take good care of him"

I reassured her

" I know you will I don't trust him with anyone else"

She said Kissing me

Someone honked the car horn

We said our goodbyes

" I'll FaceTime you later"

She said

I nodded

"I mean if you wanna make me an only fans video"

She smirked

" get your ass in that car"

I said jokingly as I pushed her

Me and Billie went on two dates within the last week and we still weren't official which I was sad about but I mean whatever I guess


I got a notification on my phone a checked it seeing a text from Billie

Hey baby

Hey whatcha doin how's vacation

It's good so far I'm just chilling with Claudia

Who the fuck Is Claudia

Who's Claudia you've never talked about her

Someone's jealous

I'm not jealous shut up

So if I kissed her it'd be fine

I mean I guess we're not official so you can kiss whoever

Baby I'm kidding I'm not going to kiss her she's my brother's girlfriend

Oh why couldn't I come

I umm it's kinda complicated plus I'll be home in no time

K I gotta go do school

Ok bye 🤍


Why am I jealous

What does she mean complicated.... is she embarrassed to be with me

I mean her whole family knows she's bi

I mean I don't blame her looking the way I do

I felt my heart break as I sat on the bed

My phone rang and Billie was FaceTiming me


I asked

" babe come on don't be mad I'll explain later on"

She said


I mumbled as she sighed

"Please talk to me"

She said

"I can't Billie I gotta take the dogs for a walk I'll text you later"

I told her as I hung up

"Come on shark let's go get Sayde"

I said to the dog as I walked downstairs

What is so complicated that she can't tell me

I held the dogs on their leash as we walked down the street

I stopped at a bench and sat for a minute

A guy walked up to me


He said

"Umm hi"

I said

"You're really cute"

He said

"Thanks I guess"

I said scooting away

Shark started growling

"Shark knock it off"

I said petting him

"So you think I can get your number"

He asked


I scoffed

"Come on I know you want me"

He said

"Actually I don't because one I like girls and two I'm way outta your league"

I said grabbing my phone and walking in the opposite direction calling Billie


I asked

"Baby Im sorry I can't talk right now"

She said hurriedly

"Billie please don't hang up there's this guy and he kept asking for my number and now he's following me and fuck I don't know what to do"

I said looking back to see the guy still following me

"Fuck umm shit where are you I can see if my friend can pick you up"

She said as I heard her tapping her phone

"Umm I'm on lemon avenue"

I told her finding a street sign

"K he said he's on his way ok I'll stay on the phone with you"

She said

I looked back and the guy was still following me

I kept walking

"What are you wearing"

Billie asked

"Umm your white hoodie and blue sweats"

I told her

A car stopped on the street

"Are you Tayden"

The guy asked


I said

"Bils told me to get you"

He said

I nodded and walked towards the car quickly letting the dog in the back as I got in the passenger seat and we drove off

"I got her bils"

He said

"Thanks que"

She said

(In no way do I like que but he's in the story for a reason you'll find out later)

"K I'll call you later babe ok"

She said

"K bye"

I said


She said before ending the call

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