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I deleted the pictures and checked every possible place he could have sent them or saved them

I went into his insta and there was nothing on any social media

"Man I should've fucking killed you when I thought about it "

I said getting off him before throwing his phone in the ocean

Oops question mark

"What the fuck"

He said

"No what the fuck Q you're with them fucking twins aren't you"

I asked pushing him

We went to push me

"Push me I dare you I'll dislocate your shoulder "

I snarled at him

"The fuck are doing trying to take pictures of me and Billie having sex"

I asked him angrily

The twins walked out

"Broo really you got caught"

One of them said

I swear I'm looking at a whole ass circus with all them clowns

Billie walked out in a full bikini

"What the fuck is going on"

She asked

"Your girlfriend attacked me and Is fucking psycho"

Q said

"Bitch and I'll do it again bop bop "

I said

Billie eyed me as I threw my arms up in defense

"He took pictures of us making out topples bil and was trying to post it before I deleted it"

I told her

"Q out of all people I thought you were my dawg"

She said

"Don't fuck with my girlfriend again"

I warned them

Billie walked back to the cove

I knew she was hurt she's dealt with so many fake people

Security came and escorted them out and I was confused how they knew until I saw Finneas up in their house and he flashed a quick smile

"Are you ok ma'am"

They asked

"Yeah I'm fine thanks"

I said as they left

I headed back to the cove and Billie was sitting in the hot tub back facing me

She turned around for a second before Turing around

I took off my jacket and put my bikini top back on before joining Billie

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