Running into problems

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We started walking back towards the house


Billie muttered

I looked at her confused

"Billie Eilish is that you"

Two guys yelled from a far

They ran over

Wait holy shit are they twins


Oh it's the 🔔👬

Billie just looked at them giving them a resting bitch face

"How the hell did you guys get in what the fuck are you even doing here"

She said

"We're on vacation"

One of them said

"Damn hi mamas"

One of them said

"Eww ok no"

I said

"Who's the chick"

They asked at the same time

"My girlfriend "

Billie said

"Oh what happened to I don't commit to relationships or date one person at a time"

One of them asked

"Man fuck off I've changed ok I love my girl and I'm committed to only her I'm leaving"

Billie said pulling me with her

"Look at her leaving again"

They laughed

"Go cry over us Eilish"

" just as weak as when we first met"

I stopped and turned around

"Hey loosers go suck a dick"

I yelled at him

"Feisty aren't we"

"Yeah actually that's my fucking girlfriend and I have a feeling I know who you guys are which by the way I know the fandom hates you just fuck off alright before we have a problem"

I threatened

"I'd like to see you try"

One of they challenged

I laughed before jumping on one of them and holding him in a choke hold

"You fucking asshole I hope you rot in hell"

I muttered

"Tayden let go"

Billie said trying to pull me off but since when do I listen

"Bro get off of him"

The other one yelled

I found it funny the one under me was gasping for air hopefully he accidentally dies

When he started to pass out I jumped off him and started punching the other one

Now Claudia Finneas Maggie and Patrick were out her yelling at me but I could only see red


Billie yelled


I yelled back

Finneas grabbed me off of him as the twins just walked off

"Let me go"

I yelled but Finneas picked me up

"Ugh fuck you i was winning"

I said trying to get out of his grip

Finneas sat me on the couch and stood by the door so I couldn't get out

"What the fuck was that"

Billie asked mad

I sat with my arms crossed

"Babe you could've killed him"

She said obviously not pleased with what I did

What the fuck bitch where's my 'Thank you babe you're my hero I love you'

"Yeah I know that's what I was going for"

I mumbled

She huffed and walked upstairs

K I fucked up



I called out to her but she ignored me

"Listen I'm sorry I recognized them from when Billie told me and they were taunting her and it just pissed me off"

I said sighing

"I get where you're coming from but you can't keep beating people up"

Finneas said

" I know but now billies probably mad at me"

I mumbled

" just give her time ok I love you"

Finneas said

"Thanks I love you too"

I said as he left

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