Chapter 42 - Eighteenth & A Disease

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Euphoria consumed my being. No previous time in my life had provided me with complete submission to the feeling of utter joy. There was no avoiding the frenzy flowing through my veins as if I had been lifted onto a fluffy cloud right next to the sun by an angel.

A couple of days had passed since the only living soul that could add to my life had returned into my arms; he had even returned to the light. The man I had hoped for was no longer captured by the demons of his past, but he had become the person whom I knew he could be. Crazy to say, but I would have never stopped loving him regardless of where his heart lied. But now, we had spent days of pure bliss together in which only love, purity and light were present in both of us. Destiny played the long game, but in the end she was just and kind. Taking him by the hand and guiding him towards his true path, luckily, that path being mine as well.

Here and now, standing in front of Dumbledore's office once more, I contemplated on how thankful I should be for spending my birthday alongside Tom; the one who gave me such an indescribable sense of purpose and pleasure. I made my way inside the Headmaster's center, wanting to find the wise older man immediately. I had to express my gratitude for the push towards hope that he gave me, but also plead Tom's case of redemption.

"Headmaster Dumbledore, I apologize for the intrusion. May I speak with you?", I asked confidently hiding my wariness.

"Athena, how lovely to see you.", Dumbledore replied. "Please, do share whatever is on your mind, your presence is no intrusion."

"I simply wished to express my gratitude to you for being the guide that I needed, especially when you could have simply ignored the problem at hand.", I humbly expressed.

"I merely gave you truth and I knew you were, and are, strong enough to receive truth. Not many wish to hear it and it is always treated with caution, but you only see the beauty in verity.", he responded.

"Thank you.", I replied. "But now, I must ask you one more thing."

"Go on."

"Whatever you know that Tom has done or that you think he may do, disregard it completely. If only you could see him now, he is light. A forever work in progress, but currently shining bright with light. Love has not blinded me, I am solely pleading on behalf of a redeemed man.", I plead restraining my emotions from possibly getting the best of me.

"Young one, did you think I would keep him here and give you hope if I did not know this would be the outcome?"

"Oh... umm... yes, that makes sense.", I replied as a weight was lifted off my shoulders which were now used to carry the world on them.

"He is free from the bondage of hate, anger and darkness. Both you and him, both will be great assets to the betterment of the wizarding world.", Dumbledore added in a reassuring tone.

Eternally grateful for Dumbledore's part in delivering Tom from the forces of dark, "Once again, thank you."

"No, thank you."


After the encounter with Headmaster Dumbledore, I skipped along the hallways full of rushing students and professors, leading my feet towards the Head of House common room. I would be meeting Tom because he kindly promised to spend the entire day with me. I remember he looked into my ebony eyes and softly spoke, "I know your birthday is coming soon. You purposefully hid your birth date from me, April 19th. Athena, darling, you wound me! But I shall spend the entire day with you, making it the most wonderful day of your existence."

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