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The Sand People don't waste any time carving it up, Mando even grabs a piece to take back with him, however the child might just get into it before then. And I remember my promise to Mando, that when we killed that thing we'd both get the answers we sought.

Before either of us can say anything Cobb Vanth walks over with the armour in his hands.

"Well General, it is a rare thing a person who lives up to their reputation," he says to me as he hands the armour to Mando. "This is well earned."

"It was a pleasure," Mando says shaking his hand, surprisingly well mannered for a bounty hunter, with a better sense of humour too.

"I hope our paths cross again," he says to us.

"As do I," I say looking around at this place that was once my second home. "I have a feeling I'll be coming back here."

"Where are you off to now?" he asks and Mando and I look at each other, unspoken words hovering between us.

"We have some business to take care of," he says and we both see the look on Cobb's face. "Not that type of business."

While I definitely wouldn't be opposed I laugh to break the tension. "I'll see you around."

He nods respectfully to us both and goes to leave before suddenly stopping and pointing to the helmet. "And you make sure you tell your people I wasn't the one who broke that."

"Oh that's been broken for a long time," I say looking at the dent that I wish I'd put in it, and then the Sand People begin cheering as they find a pearl within the dragon.

"I'll let you two be on your way," Cobb says before returning to his people.

For a moment Mando and I look around at what we've done and he says to me. "He's right, it is a rare thing to meet someone who lives up to their reputation."

"You didn't even know my name until he told you who I was," I tease lightheartedly and I can hear the slight laugh through the helmet.

"Maybe not, but I can imagine. They don't call you the best soldier of the Rebellion for nothing. What you did- that's true courage."

"Madness," I correct knowing what my father would call it and smile to myself knowing he'd do the exact same, that he likely did. "But it worked. And I couldn't have done it without you. Literally, I'd need a jet pack."

I can feel the small smile he hides beneath his helmet. "Glad to be of service then."

"Dare I say we make a good team," I say, testing that armour of his. That cold, hard exterior. "I can't remember the last time I fought beside a Mandalorian."

But I can, and they were slaughtered before my eyes.

"You've fought beside a Mandalorian?"

"Many of them," I answer and it takes all the control I have to stop my voice from shaking. "All dead now at the hands of the Empire."

He turns his body to face mine and I can feel his eyes burning into mine through the viser.

"Who are you?"

A small, mysterious smile comes to my face. While that armour may conceal his identity the very mystery and legend surrounding mine is all I need. "Wouldn't you like to know?"

He leans closer to me with his arms crossed over his chest. "We made a deal. We kill that thing and you tell me what you know."

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't as curious as he is. It's been years since I've seen a Mandalorian, even if he may not be the kind I'm accustomed to I don't want him to disappear just yet.

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