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Han and Leia's home is nicer than anywhere I've lived in a good ten years, since I first left Mandalore to fight in the Rebellion.

Then again, a senator's home on Chandrila should be nice, it should be peaceful. Filled with love and warmth and all the things I'd forgotten could exist.

In a different life it could have been my sort of home as well, a peaceful life with warm beds and a proper roof over my head instead of the cramped cot of a ship. The life I could have had if I stayed with Lando. It's the life my mother would have wanted for me, but that isn't the life I chose.

"We're debating when to send Ben to train with Luke," Leia's telling me before Luke arrives. "We want to wait until he's older but I want your input considering you're the only Jedi we know who was trained as a child."

I look at Ben, just four, nearly five years old, playing with Han's dice. An innocent child, a good child, but even though I've cut myself off from the force I can feel it within him, the darkness that tries to influence him.

The darkness Leia feels as well.

"He will need training in time but he's a kid, let him be a kid for as long as possible," I advise, knowing it's what my parents wanted for. "My father only started truly training me after the Inquisitors kidnapped us, it was out of necessity more than anything else. But Ben, he needs his parents more than Luke for now."

She carefully considers my words and nods, looking at her little boy with adoration only a mother could have.

It's then we hear the door open and loud, familiar voices follow.

"There she is," Lando says opening his arms for me and I stand to hug him, a familiar gesture. He kisses my cheek and smiles broadly as he smooths his hand over my light auburn hair and takes in the green dress I wear. "Look at you, as beautiful as ever."

I roll my eyes playfully at his flirting but I can't help but adore the man. My friend. We were once far more than that but that's long behind us, or at least for me it is, preferring the friendship that came out of it. Yet there are some other less innocent memories that still make me blush that are far more recent than I'd ever admit to Leia.

"Missed me?" I tease and he chuckles, giving me a knowing wink.


Han and Leia look at us like we're the biggest idiots in the galaxy, but we both know why it never would have worked. It was the most amicable parting I've ever had but considering how I parted from the lover before him anything would have been more peaceful.

"Uncle Wando," Ben says and I'm smiling as Lando picks him up but then a darkness settles over us and there's flashes of burning red before my eyes.

"I've missed you too little buddy," he dotes and I find myself fiddling with the ring on my finger that bears the Rebel Alliance symbol.

Leia notices something's not right. "Kyra, can you lend me a hand?"

I nod stiffly and follow her out into the other room where she stops me. "What is it? Is it Lando?"

"No, Lando and I are fine," I quickly assure her. "It's been years and things have never been awkward between us. He's one of my closest friends."

"Years?" she questions with a raised eyebrow. "I remember the last time you left here to go and have 'friendly drinks' with him was just a few months ago."

"Well," I say trying to come up with an excuse but there's none. "There's hardly any harm in it when there's no attachment involved and I mean it when I say we're friends, most of the time at least."

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