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The fact Mando is so reluctant to not use hyperdrive should worry me a little more than it does, despite him telling me it's because of the Empire and crime gangs there's some things I'm sure he's neglecting to add.

"Are you sure the Empire and criminals are the only thing we have to worry about?" I ask as we finish loading the ship.

"What else would there be to worry about?" he asks but I cock my head at him. "There's only pirates, war lords-"

I place a firm hand on his chest as I pass him, stopping to tell him "First thing to know about the Jedi, don't try to lie to one, or to a woman for that matter."

With a coy little smile I leave him there to pick up the child who reaches for me, for a moment pondering my last words and wondering if he's had many women on board this ship. My gut tells me no but from the look of him I wouldn't be surprised, despite being Mandalorian myself I can hardly say I haven't been tempted by a man in beskar before. Except I remember how that ended far too well.

"And second thing," I tell the child as I lift him up and look him in his big black eyes. "We don't choke people. Got it?" He coos guiltily and I whisper "Unless you really have to."

He likes the sound of that more and Mando chuckles. "Now that I approve of."

"I'd be concerned, well more concerned, about that little violent streak if he hadn't been raised by a Mandalorian for so long."

"And you?" he asks tilting his head at me, focusing on the saber at my hip. "You can't deny having a violent streak after you held your laser sword at Vanth."

"It's a lightsaber and oh I don't deny it," I say proudly knowing that while the Jedi are supposed to be guardians of peace that is far from the reality. "But if possible I resort to more persuasive methods than outright violence. They often called me the negotiator for my penchant to use mind tricks where possible."

"And what you did to the bandit?" he asks, his voice wavering slightly. "What was that?"

"A Jedi mind trick," I answer honestly as the child looks up at me in recognition of the word. "My father certainly taught me how to handle myself in combat but also how to avoid confrontation."

He sounds a little unnerved. "So mind control?"

"Not quite," I try to explain. "For example, it only works on the weak minded, so you hopefully don't have anything to worry about."

He nods seeming a little more at ease then asks "And the child, could you use it on him?"

"Considering how strong he is with the force I doubt it," I answer, surprised by the question. "Why?"

"So you could actually make him behave."

The kid makes an offended sound and I just laugh. "Unfortunately there's no special Jedi trick to make a child behave, trust me I've tried."

He sounds genuinely disappointed. "Really?"

"My nephew Ben is strong with the force like this child. He's a menace like his father so trust me when I say his mother had asked me the same thing once," I chuckle fondly. "Nothing teaches you patience like a child, or rather forces it upon you."

"You aren't wrong," he says walking over and letting the child wrap his little hand around his finger. "We should get going."

I look up towards the stairs to the cockpit and sigh. "I have a bad feeling about this, travelling sublight never ends well."

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