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━━━000, prologue !

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━━━000, prologue !


IF SHE'S BEING COMPLETELY HONEST, April doesn't even know Steve Harrington all that well. He's really more a 'friend-of-a-friend' than her friend. That's not to say that she doesn't know of him, of course she does — everyone does. He's Steve Harrington for fuck's sake, resident Hawkins heartthrob. Not knowing him would be like not knowing a pre-teen who's face is covered with craters highly — and probably extremely — unlikely.

It doesn't matter who you are, in the small town of Hawkins, Indiana, April's almost one-hundred percent sure that everyone and their mother's knows who Steve Harrington is. Most popular guy in school, all-star basketball player, and obviously throws the best parties in his massive house because of course — on top of everything — he's incredibly, horribly, disgustingly rich.

Even her parents know who he is, and trust her when she says that means something. Eric and Iris Wáng have a habit of not caring about anything unless it concerns them, and yet they know all about Steve Harrington. Probably because her parents don't care about anything that doesn't concern anything, but they have the oddest desire to need to know things. Which is where, April supposes, she gets her own desire for knowledge from.

       Sure, her parents like knowing things, but rarely do they ever get involved. They're more gossipers, in April's opinion. Like, take for example, whenever Steve Harrington's parents leave town for business (which is strangely very often) Eric and Iris have a tendency to talk amongst each other about how they could possibly do that. April once overheard her dad say that, "They might as well leave for good, since the kid's practically raising himself."

       April had thought that was a little uncalled for, since, well, her parents don't know Steve Harrington's parents all that well. Just like she doesn't know Steve Harrington's all that well. For all they know, the Harrington's could be wonderful people with a completely healthy relationship. The point is, her family doesn't know anything about the Harrington's. (Though most of the time her parents choose to gossip amongst themselves and April only knows what she knows because she likes to eavesdrop on their conversations.)

       Either way, the point that she's trying to make is that April is just a little bit uncertain if she should actually be here or not. She would have come if it were a big party and the house was absolutely filled to the brim with people, but it's not. It's still a party, duh, what else would happen in an empty house left alone to a teenager? But, it's just a smaller party of, like... six people? (And that's including herself.)

So, yeah, April feels just the slightest bit awkward here. But whatever, it's not like she can do anything about it now, taking into account the fact that she's literally sitting on Steve Harrington's massive couch, in his massive living room, in his massive house. (April feels like she needs to mention the fact that his house is enormous. Like, their living room is the size of the entire first floor of her house.) She shifts slightly in her position on the couch as the sound of a David Bowie song rings slightly in the back of her ears.

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