002. hard knock life

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━━━002, hard knock life !

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━━━002, hard knock life !


       APRIL'S NEVER CONSIDERED herself to be the type of person who brags about things, and she still doesn't. It's more the fact that she simply states facts. Like, the fact that she's probably got the highest grades in her class. She doesn't think she's all that obnoxious about it, though. There's some people she knows — cough, cough, Tommy H — who go around the entire school shouting at the top of their lungs when they get a B on an exam. Not that there's anything wrong with a B, it's a great grade! It's just that personally, April would rather get shot in the head than get a B on anything.

Which is why she's in the library for her free period, instead of out getting food like she sometimes does. Because even though April's pretty sure she already knows everything there is to know about World History — probably because she actually pays attention in class — she's completely paranoid that she's going to fail the exam on what they've covered so far next Friday.

       It's just that, for some reason, today of all days the library wants to be the absolute loudest it's ever been. Everyone seems to have something lodged in the back of their throats, and they need to let out the loudest cough ever to get it out. The group of sophomores sitting at the table behind her either all have a group flu or someone littered an entire bottle of pepper on the table before they all sat down, because — for some reason — all of them can't stop sneezing. And not to mention the fact that the endless and relentless tapping of pencils against the wooden tables is driving April to madness. She can't do this anymore. She feels like she's going to rip out her hair.

       She folds her arms across the table and her head falls into them. Groaning, April reaches for her sharpened Number 2 pencil and blindly scratches over the paper she was writing on. Because seriously, fuck this. What's the point in even trying to study if everyone is going to be so fucking loud and annoying in the first place?

A couple of moments later, April sighs and feels the heat of her breath reach her face, so she lifts her head and leans back in the wooden chair. She tilts her head up towards the ceiling and tries to recount the impact of the Korean War. Nothing. How wonderful. She's got an exam on this next Friday, and she can't even recall the impact of the Korean War. She turned in a paper about it two weeks ago.

       Whatever, April thinks to herself. She's going to do well on the exam, she always does. She'll pull through, she'll manage somehow. Besides, she's got an entire week to study for it. Maybe all April needs to do right now is relax for a little bit and let everything go. Just go to Tina's stupid party, and be a stupid teenager, right? She can worry about her exam later.

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