Do you remember?

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(A/N: My drawing!~)

"Gon, do you remember the first day we met? It was in elementary class.."


Teacher: Everyone I would like you to meet our new student. Please introduce yourself.

Gon: Hi! My name is Gon Freecss! Nice to meet you everyone!

Teacher: Okay now please sit beside Mr. Zoldyck, Gon.

Gon: Arigatou, sensei!

"You sat next to me and I was weirded out by you because you're too cheery. Then you started talking to me. Normally students avoid me and teachers keep an eye on me because I was a troublemaker."

Gon: You must be Killua!

Killua: ....hmmyeah.

Gon: I hope we can be good friends.

Killua: ...friends?

Gon: Hmm!!

Killua: Dont you know what I am?

Gon: hmm what do you mean?

Killua: They are afraid of me. And teachers kept me under surveillance. You shouldn't even be talking to me nor befriending me.

Gon: Ohh... Well, I'm not afraid of you. Besides, you seem nice.

Killua: W-what are you saying all of a sudden?!

Gon: If you were that bad, you should've just ignored me when I talked to you.

Killua: B-baka! You started it!

Gon: Hihi~

"We instantly became friends. You have always backed me up when bad things happen even if I didnt want you to. You always smiled to the point it radiated inside me. I was eager to find light in my life. I was glad I found it. I found you."

"If you would ask me what was the happiest moment in my life, my answer would be simple. When you offered me friendship. It might sound cheesy and all, it's the truth. I was happy someone accepted me for who I am."

"Gon, I suddenly remembered. We went out to look for a school to attend to before we graduated elementary. That's where we met Kurapika. He was a student there and a member of a Student Comittee."


Killua: Oi Gon! Is it really okay if we get inside? Someone might see us. Let's just--

Gon: It's okay. I got it all figured ou---

Kurapika: Just who are you kids? You're inside the school premises and trespassers aren't allowed here.

Killua: oi Gon what now?!

Gon: Gomennasai! We just wanted to see inside because we're planning to study high school here.

Kurapika: I see. Follow me.

"Then we followed Kurapika to the office and the principal oriented us. It was two full hours of non stop blabbering. It was killing me! Then after that hellish hours, Kurapika toured us. At first, I didnt like Kurapika because he's so... I dont know how to say it. But tables have turned and he's actually a good guy after all. And we have acquired a new friend."

"Gon, do you still remember the time I visited your house? Mito-san was so nice. I wish I had a mother like her. I remembered that one food I hated the most but I had to eat it because she said so. I almost puked! That was so disgusting. Bell peppers. ugh."

"What I liked about the visit was when we camped out in your backyard and we were lying down, watching the stars illuminate the night. We talked about our plans when we graduate high school."

Gon: Killua, what are you planning to do when you graduate high school?

Killua: I, uhhhh, I still dont know yet. What about you?

Gon: I want to be an investigator to find my dad's whereabouts. I dont know how but I'll figure out that soon. You know Killua, we can figure it out together! While you think of your own plans in life.

Killua: y-yeah...

"Truth is.. I just wanted to be with you. If forever does exist, if only it's possible, I'd stay with you forever."

"Gon how was the first year of high school for you? Academics wasn't that hard for me but I bet you had a hard time especially math classes, haha! But you were good at PE. I was too but you're better, to be honest. Oh! It was Hisoka-hentai-sensei's class! He was really creepy, giving me the shivers down my spine."


Hisoka: Hi-ya, class~ My name is Hisoka-sensei~ and I will be your PE teacher~ Everyone will follow my instructions or else~

Killua: Gon, is it just me or he's staring at you like a maniac?

Gon: Me? Don't you mean you?

Killua and Gon: *shivers*

"I suddenly remembered every exams, we study together but we always end up fooling around. And when the exams day comes, your brain heat up! You should've seen your face everytime that happen. You looked totally stupid."

"Gon, do you still remember that time when we hung out at the beach? The four of us, including Kurapika's friend, Riorio was it? Oh, Leorio. It was our promise to Kurapika that we would hang out before his graduation. I remembered Leorio got snapped by a crab on the butt! Haha that was hilarious I thought I was gonna die due to lack of oxygen!"

"You know, Leorio may be a loud mouth, old looking, greedy teener. But he's a good and a kind hearted guy. That's one thing people lack nowadays. And I was happy to have another friend like him."

"Gon, were you always that stupid? I lost count of saying baka because of your stupidity. The last time I said that was....


before you got..

hit by bus.

You saw a kid crossing down the street when a bus was coming in fast. Your instincts suddenly took over and ran to the kid before he get hurt."

Killua: BAKA!! DONT GO OR YOU-------


"Boom. You let yourself be hit by that damn bus."




Gon: Im.......fine......


"Then an ambulance came and rushed you to the nearest hospital where you are now. Why are you so stupid, Gon? Did you think you can withstand the impact? Who did you think you are? Superman or something?! I'll kill you when you wake up. But when? Three months have passed now.......

When are you planning to wake up?

Gon, I miss you... I was lonely when you were gone. I always come here to visit you. Sometimes I don't go home anymore. I feel so lonely and stupid for talking to you while your in a coma.

Gon, I miss you.

Come back to me.....

I haven't even told you....


I love you..

My dearest friend...

I really do.

Wake up soon...... Okay?"

Hunter x Hunter One Shots!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz