May I have this dance? (Kurapika x Reader)

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(A/N: that's my drawing. lol)

"Welcome everyone. Thank you for coming to your Masquerade Ball."

You applauded like everyone else. Tonight is your school's Masquerade Ball and every juniors and seniors are required to come.

Oh, and you're a junior and Kurapika's a senior.

You're wearing your dream gown, with your hair neatly done according your taste, high heels of your choice and a feathered eye mask like everyone else's. Of course, with make up on.

"May you all have the best night of your lives."

Everyone applauded, including you. Now the ball has started. The live band plays their upbeat tunes, with some students danced to the songs. One of your friends pulled you up, dragging you to the dance floor.

"We don't want you sulking on that table. Have some fun, (y/n)!" Your friend pleaded.

"Okay. I was just thinking of.... You know." You answered.

"Oh, you mean Kurapika?" Another friend of yours said, a bit loudly.

"Shhhhh! Keep it down someone might hear you!" You shushed her.

"Haha sorry, it's noisy anyways with the band playing." She chuckled.

"You have a crush on him for like, forever (y/n), when are you planning on giving up?!" Your other friend said.

"I don't know, I guess never?" I joked.

"You're hopeless." Your friend stated.

The band's done with their playing and I guess the school now controls the music. Good thing they're playing good songs.

You're starting to cheer up all thanks to your loving friends. You danced, laughed and ate with them like it's just an ordinary day.

Then you noticed the music has stopped.

"Everyone. It's now time for the masquerade dance. Boys, you may now choose a partner."

The moment of truth! Of course, you're anticipating for Kurapika. Your heart is pounding, too eager to know who'll be your dance partner... or hoping it would be Kurapika.

Your friends already have partners. You're the only one left. You were looking at the students who already have theirs, readying themselves before the music starts. You're starting to space out when someone gestured a hand in front of you. You looked up to see a blonde haired guy in a mask.

Could it be?

But he's not the only blonde in this school.

Darn it!

He brings you to the dance floor, holding your hand. Your heart's pounding as you look at his back.

Kurapika? Is it you?

No, that's impossible.

The music starts. Everyone started waltzing, some gracefully, some... well, good enough not to step on each other's foot. But you two danced gracefully.

Should I ask his name? But that will spoil the surprise. Tch, this is frustrating!

Finally the music stopped and changed into a sweet song.

"It's now time for the last dance. You may remove your masks if you want. Enjoy!" The emcee spoke.

"May I have this dance?" Your partner spoke.

"Uhhh yeah, sure." You said, flustered.

I didn't expect that.

You two now are dancing hand in hand, with his other hand on your waist, your other hand on his shoulder. The music went on for who knows when, the two of you chatting happily. The two of you didn't bother asking each other's names because what's important is you two are having fun.

"Alright! Everyone, this is the last song. Hold on to your partners now 'cause you don't want to miss this!" The emcee chirped.

He's now holding you with both hands on your waist and yours on his shoulders. You danced like no one's watching.

Whoever this is, he's a nice guy. And I feel comfortable around him.

The song is nearing to its end.

"Can we remove our masks now?" You chuckled.

"Oh yeah sure I almost forgot I have it on." He kid.

This guy..

He slowly remove his mask. Your heart beat faster and harder. Then you removed yours. You looked at him, shock written all over your face.


"Hey (y/n)." He smiled.

"You know me? And how'd you know my name?" You're now confused.

"I just know." He just gave you the warmest smile ever.

You started blushing. You two just danced and talked the night together. You blushed harder at the thought.

"I had the best night ever. All thanks to you."

"Oh.. I enjoyed mine, too. Thank you... Kurapika." You smiled sincerely.

"It's my pleasure."

He then accompanied you to your friends' car, of course, with your friends teasing you.

"(y/n), Take care and... uhh see you in school." He said.

Then he suddenly kissed you on the cheek.

"Uhh bye!" He walked away but you grabbed his hand. You gave him a kiss, too.

"Take care." You both smiled, unable to let go each other's hands.


"Don't wanna ruin your moment (y/n) but we have to go!" One of your friends shouted.

Darn it!

"Coming!" You shouted back.

"Bye, Kurapika."

"This isn't goodbye yet you know." He kid.

"See you, Kurapika." You restated.

"That's better." He smiled.

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