A man's bestfriend (Killua x Gon)

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It was a rainy morning. But for this silver-haired kid, rain or shine, work is work.

He was hired to assasinate a rival of one of the mafias. He then headed to the location of the man who didn't have any idea that that day was going to be his last.

He patiently waited for the target to arrive at top of the building. Then as a limo parked in front, he swiftly made his way down by jumping without feeling any fear. The man was still inside but the boy didn't hesitate; he let his bloodlust took over and killed not only the target, but the guards who were with him as well. 'Another boring job done,' he thought. He then left the crime scene without any trace. A true assassin.

He was taking his time walking on a street unknown to him when he sensed a dog following him. It barked and then the boy thought,


He ignored the dog but this dog was very persistent. It followed him until who knows when. The boy finally acknowledged the dog's presence.

"Why are you following me, huh?" He said as he gave the dog a pat on the head. The dog barked and it seemed it wanted to play.

"Wanna play, huh? Fetch!" The dog retrieved the stick his master has thrown.

"Good dog! Say, wanna come with me? Seems like you don't have an owner around here, huh?" The dog barked excitedly.

"Well then, let's go."

The two walked on their way home.

Having any pets weren't allowed in the Zoldyck residence so he asked Zebulo-san to let the dog stay in his home, not telling everyone about it. He happily agreed to his young master's wish.

Every free time, the boy always hung out with his new found dog. He called it "Gon".. for some reason. When he had jobs and goes home tired, Gon was there to wipe it all away. Gon was always there for him, through good and bad times. He has found himself a friend.

'You don't need friends. They'll only get in the way. They will only betray you in the end. Thus, leaving you weak. We shouldnt be weak, Kil, because we're assassins. Our family business trade where our joy can be found in killing.' He remembered what his brother always say to him, already engraved in his mind.

'Gon isn't human but he's my friend. He wont betray me like what you say.' He said to himself.

But one day, Gon became sick, weak to its knees. The boy was so worried, he didnt know what to do. Zebulo suggested to bring it to a vet, to check its vital signs. He did as he was told and brought his friend. The vet said Gon has acquired a disease still untreatable and only had a few weeks to live since it was quickly spreading through its body. The boy was so frantic, tears started to flow for there was nothing he nor the vet could do.

'Assassins don't cry... but this is too overwhelming to bear.' he thought, tears streaming down his face.

'The only friend I have, why is this happening?' He let himself crumble down until no more tears were left of him. When he regained his composure, the two left the vet. The boy held his friend closer to him, cherishing every moment.

They were now back in Zebulo's place.

"Few weeks huh?... Then I'll just spend the rest of my time with you even if I have to neglect my duties." He said to the still weakened friend.

A week and a half has passed, Gon's condition has worsen. One rainy evening, the boy went to Zebulo's to find him melancholic. He knew what has happened. He rushed to where Gon was, and he found it lying lifelessly on its makeshift bed.

"Gon? Buddy? I brought you food. Your favorite!" He exclaimed but got no response.

"Gon? You shouldn't oversleep you know." Tears started to fall from his eyes.

"Gon?" He inched closer. No signs of life were seen.

"Gon, wake up you lazy bum!" He sobbed harder.

He was loosing it. He carried the dog and went out of the residence before someone else hear his cries of pain.

He wandered in a forest, still clutching his Gon in his arms.

He knew it's all too late. It was raining harder, he was crying louder. The weather and him were one that night.

When he finally calmed down and the rain has stopped, he dug out the mudded earth for his friend's final resting place. He carefully placed him on the hole he made, and hesitantly put back the dug earth.

He went back to the residence with his tear stained cheeks and spent his night in Zebulo's place, hoping to recover from the pain he have felt.

"Have fun on the other side, my dear Gon."

I nearly cried while typing this... so much feels.

Well, hope you like it.. (T^T)

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