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They made me into a weapon. They made me into a tool for their use and disposal. I never wanted this, but what choice did I have? It was a golden ticket too valuable to throw away, I had to grab hold and pray to God it never slipped from my grasp.

That's how they got us. That's how they sucked in 23 other teens just like me. Appeal to the masses by something we continually lust 10 million dollars to be exact. And at 18 years old, I couldn't say no to that. I was stolen without warning from my home, my family, and my life. The world kept moving as I disappeared without a trace.

They were like gem collectors, looking through dozens of young adults to find the perfect spots in their crown. I was one of those jewels and now, I'm paying the price. 

I'm getting ahead of myself, this story is one I have debated for years to tell and I realize now I can wait no longer. Who knows what they'll do to me if they find out? But this cannot stay secret any longer. One of the greatest secrets held by the United States government. And they named it after a children's game: capture the flag.


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Hey everyone! I am back! And I come with an exciting new read. If you are new here, welcome. I am so glad you have come across my book. If you are returning from having read Eden's Alpha, welcome back fam. I am so thankful for each of your support.

Let's be real, 2020 has been a disaster. I needed a break and I'm sure the rest of you did as well. This is a project I have been thinking about for a while, and now I'm finally going through with it! I hope this provides you with some entertainment (and maybe some escape) from the world right now. Can't wait to have you guys share in this journey with me!

Buckle up, this ride is going to get bumpy!


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