Chapter 2

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As a tradition, every Sunday night after dinner dad and I play a game of chess. In the early years, I remember sitting with him as he would slowly teach me the moves and strategy to win the game. He never let me win as a kid. So, I return the favor and play just as hard now. It's been years since he's been able to beat me, but he's a good sport. It's our way to connect, with him having to work so hard during the week to provide for our family.

I always play the color black.

We play in silence, each of us moving our pieces in a methodical dance of strategy. My mind thinks about everything else but the game. I've already destroyed him before I can even realize we've been playing.

"Jesus, Bear, you're like a robot!"

I look up and shrug, not sure what to say. My mind has started to wander a lot, thinking about life, about college. I have applied to more schools than I can count. All the best. I need a way to get away from life but paying for it...that's going to be the tricky part.

"What's on your mind, Barrow?" My dad asks, leaning forward into his chair.

"Nothing dad," I say, putting a smile on my face, "just thinking about looking for another job maybe in the next few weeks, you know, for college"

My dad sits in silence for a minute, then leans over to grab his pack of cigarettes. He offers me one, but I decline.

"You deserve the world Bear," he says, inhaling his smoke, "you deserve it all"

I sit there waiting, knowing he has something on his mind.

"I knew you were unique, right from the start. What other toddlers can do their multiplication tables?!" he chuckles, "But you'll be okay, they're going to throw money at you for you to go to their colleges, then you can get yourself out of here"

"What do you mean, dad?" I ask, not sure where he's going with this.

He sighs: "you gotta do what you need to to get into the world, make your mark. You deserve more than what I could ever provide for you. And you will! Because you're that damn smart!"


Do you know how they say time slows down when you're in a crisis? Well in the following minutes, time seemed to run like lava. It was slow but deadly.

Before I can finish my response, the kitchen door is thrown inward with a bang, and three darkly dressed figures rush in, carrying guns more technical than I've ever seen in movies. One is immediately on me, and before I can even breathe, he's pulled me to my feet. The chair I was in tumbles to the floor with the loudest crash I've ever heard.

"Eve Barrow?!" He shouts towards me, holding me tightly in his grasp "Eve Barrow Finch?"

I can't think. Everything is surreal and I stand there shell-shocked. What is happening?!

I twist around to try and find my dad, but he is being held out of my sight. Think Barrow, think. I pull against the man holding me and kick him hard in the shin, hearing him grunt in response. He doesn't loosen his grip on me.

"DAD!" I shout frantically, sounding like a crazed animal. I pull at the masked man pulling me, feeling like I'm swimming in quicksand.

"BEAR!" I hear a muffled response. The big man holding me pulls me closer and shakes me, bringing me back to reality.

"What. Is. Your. Name?" He shouts, separating each word forcefully. He's holding me around the waist so tightly, I know I'm not getting enough oxygen to my brain.

"Eve," I wheeze quietly. In my ears, it came out as barely a whisper, and with my heartbeat pounding in my head I swear he had to read it from my lips. But he got his response, and with a crisp nod, he pulls me over his shoulder and makes his way toward the door.

"We got her," he hollers to the other two, "let's move out!"

I am jostled around at each step, too surprised and uncomfortable to have realized what just happen. Then it hits, I'm being kidnapped

"Dad!" I cry out, so disoriented and barely able to make out his figure. I catch a glimpse of a figure slumped over on the floor, looking like a corpse. I almost think the worst when I hear an anguished moan. He's alive, for now. A thin trail of blood runs from his head.

"No" I squeak out, as we move out the door and away from my home.

The two other men flank behind us with their guns drawn, scanning the perimeter for any potential threats. They are dressed like a tactical team, like ones i've seen in crime shows or investigation documentaries.

Who are these people? 

It doesn't take long for them to get to their destination. A black van is parked in our driveway, looking foreboding and definitely out of place. 

When being kidnapped, something to note is that your chance of getting out alive diminishes exponentially when you are put into a car. And for that reason I knew I had to get away from these guys. I did not want to be put in the truck. 

One of the guys flanking us yanked open the back of the van and jumps in. The guy handling me pulls me off of his shoulder and holds me in front of him. It is now or never.

With as much force as I can muster, I kick him in the groin.

"Aughhh!"  He roars in agony, slumping over as he begins recovering. I am released from his grasp and know this is the time to act.

I scramble into a run, not even sure which direction I'm going. All I know, is I need to get away from them, and fast. 

"Help me!" I cry out, panting from the exertion. I don't even have shoes on, but I think this is the fastest I've ever ran in my life.

My freedom is short lived as suddenly a mind-numbing shock come across my back. And I fall to the ground practically shaking. It is the worst pain I have ever felt in my life, and something I never hope to relive. 

I've been tased, I think to myself, which is about as much as I can come up with.

They're on me in a split second, one on each side of me as they drag me to my feet. I am limp and frozen as I watch myself be carried back to the truck. I can't even turn my neck to look back at the house. They carry me into the truck and I hear the doors shut behind us with a resounding clang. 

This is not good.

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