Chapter 5

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"How did the preliminary evaluation go with her?"

"She will be perfect. Tactical,  smart, aggressive. The girl matches the profile almost perfectly."

"But don't you think she's a bit young? Strickland, I'm worried she is going to get beaten up out there!"

"The girl can take care of herself. Once we put her in the arena it'll be them who'll have to worry. Colonel, she's brilliant!"

"We'll just see how she handles herself these next couple of days."

"I promise, this is the right choice"

"Just make sure she doesn't get too wise. If this girl is exactly what you say she is, we're going to need her"


It must have been hours since agent Strickland was last in my room. Since then  I have been exploring my new home. The door, of course, is locked, which has left me in the unfortunate position of not having much to do. 

My room is approximately 10x15 ft and consists of a bed, desk, two chairs, a wardrobe, and a monitor screen. I have tried looking for anything to use as weapons, but the room is mostly empty. In the wardrobe, there are uniforms similar to the one Strickland was wearing. A chill runs through me when I realize they are all in my size.

After having thoroughly searched the room, I began looking at all the information stored on the monitor. There was a remote attached to the side that allowed me to scan through different groups of information like a television.

Agent Strickland didn't mention anything about the monitor, but I figured if they put one in here, I had free reign. The first program that comes up after opening it is a list of names with all kinds of stats. Each name comes with a picture and has an attached link to a file of personal information. 

I look at the first name on the list, a guy named Drew Hayes. In his picture, he is smiling, and his blonde hair is cropped short around his head. I can tell immediately he has been in the military. His stats say he's 22 years old, and that he is from Alabama originally. Is he one of the guys who works here?

I scroll further through his profile to find all sorts of new information. There's a list of his strengths, weaknesses, past records, reports, and then at the very bottom of the page a score out of 25. Currently, it says n/a.

What in the world is this about?

I keep scrolling through profiles reading about individuals from all over the US. A kid named Erik who is trained in martial arts, another named Kieran who looks like he's from the cover of a surf magazine, and freckled-face ginger who is from Seattle.

I digest the information from each profile, sensing patterns left and right. All the profiles are guys between the ages of 18-22, most have some sort of either technical training or combat,  and all look very fit and athletic. I get an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach as I scroll down to the 24th profile.

Staring back at me is my own face, a picture of me from the beginning of this school year. 

Eve Barrow Finch (aka Barrow)

Age: 18

Female, blonde with green eyes

5' 4" - 115 lbs.

From: Boise, Idaho

It's me.  It's my face. Almost trembling I open up my profile to find even more information about myself. Information about my family, about my grades, about my health. Everything is there. They even mention my second-grade twisted ankle along with the full medical report.

Strengths:  Incredible intelligence with a practical approach to life. Thinks in detailed orders and notices patterns at rapid speeds. She has tactical brilliance and learns quickly. Expert in strategy.

Weaknesses:  Has no formal combat training. Instinctively looks out for others even when it's detrimental to her own success. Early trauma from the death of her older brother.

I move away from the monitor, needing to think. This has to be a piece in the experiment, why else would my face be on there? I start pacing. Strickland mentioned needing me because of my strategic brain, and that clearly is the premise of my profile. But then who are the rest of the people? This is an experiment, so I can't be the only subject involved. Finally, I figure it out:

There are 24 of us in this experiment. Me, and 23 other guys.

There's no other plausible explanation. This is the database for the experiment, and we are the subjects. I have so many questions. It concerns me that I am the only girl, am I a variable in all of this?

Where are the rest of them now? In their own rooms, on a plane, being kidnapped? Maybe some of them have also found their monitors and are putting the pieces together. I think back to one of the profiles I read about, Luis. Based on the strengths listed in his profile, I'm sure he's figured it out too. A dinging sounds from the monitor and I look over to see a message:

Please put on a uniform from your wardrobe, you will be escorted to the lecture hall shortly

I think it's finally time for more answers. 

Capture the FlagOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora