Out(ed) At The Festival

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TW for transphobic Schlatt, transphobia, internalised transphobia, transphobic parents, outing, public humiliation, a panic attack, pre-surgery AFAB chests, crying, blood, violence and cursing
Also this is completely platonic!!!!! PLATONIC!!!!!

Swiftly a hand went from button to button. Tying up a tie. Slipping on his suit jacket. The day of the festival had arrived, and Tubbo had spent at least 2 months planning. It was "a celebration of democracy and peace" according to Schlatt, and Tubbo had prepared a speech under the instructions of Wilbur. Not much of a leader he was.

"Looking sharp, Tubbo!" a gruff voice came from behind the boy.

"Hey, Mr. President! Are the preparations ready?"

"Almost there, Tubster. We're just waiting on the Go-Ahead from Quackity, and then we'll let you know when to give your speech. At the moment-" the ram hybrid poked a few fingers through the blind to peek out. "At the moment, Techno is annihilating Fundy in the fighting ring."

"That's-" He reconsidered his words. "Poor Fundy."

The president gave a small chuckle and turned to leave.

"Oh, and Tubbo?"

"Yeah, Big Man?"

"Don't leave your binder lying around next time. Someone could find out."
Striding out the doorway, he turned his head with a smirk.


At least a million thoughts raced through his cloudy mind. His knees were barely holding his fragile weight, and his legs almost gave out as he took a few shaky steps towards the moss green couch in his room. A timid hand picked up the all-too familiar item of clothing as he draped it over his arm. He held onto to a thread of hope that Schlatt wouldn't tell anyone else, but with his history of how he treated Fundy, the only other trans person there, he wasn't very optimistic about his situation.


"Welcome! Welcome, welcome," the words echoed around the stage. "Welcome to the first annual Manberg Festival!"

Schlatt gazed over the crowd, taking in the citizens of the country. His country. At least a dozen eyes looked back up at him, waiting in anticipation for his next words.
"I wanted to demonstrate peace, and celebrate democracy, in this great nation. So I brought my right hand" Schlatt paused for a second, eyeing the young boy. "Man to give us a speech. Isn't that right, Tubbo?"

"Uh, yeah! That's exactly right, President Schlatt," he plastered a smile onto his pale face.

"As Schlatt said; welcome, everyone! To the first-annual Manberg Festival!"
Cheers erupted from the crowd, and the shaking in his tone subsided a little.
"You know, a wise man once told me, that Manberg was like a lettuce-"

"Yeah, that was me baby" The presidents sneering words came from behind him.

"And that once you wash the layers of dirt and pests off, it's a pretty god damned good meal. And that's what Schlatt has done. He's washed away the bugs and grime from this country, leaving only the good bits to shine through. And that's what this festival is about, recognising and acknowledging how beautiful this country is."
He ended the speech with a flashing grin.

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