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Strap yourselves in, this is a long one :|

"Well played Lo!" Joey grinned as Lauren jumped into his arms as he took to the court to go meet her. He held her tightly and spun her around, hearing her laugh next to his ear as she gripped onto him. As he stopped, her legs wrapped around his waist and she pulled her head from his neck, grinning at him. She leaned forwards and pressed a quick kiss to his lips.

"Thank you!" She beamed.

It was game day and Joey had sat in the stand along with many other volleyball supporters watching the game. Knowing Lauren was playing made him actually concentrate on the game, and his eyes were wide, reacting to each play along with the other members of the crowd.

In the days leading up to the game, Lauren had educated Joey on volleyball rules and terms as best as she could. Joey was a quick learner and actually picked up the knowledge pretty well, and they began to end their days with a little volleyball quiz in bed to see if he had actually remembered what Lauren had told him throughout the day.

The lessons seemed to have come in handy as Joey watched the game and understood what was going on, talking to others in the crowd about the game as it progressed. He had befriended someone in the stalls, a guy called Eric who was watching his girlfriend on the same team as Lauren. They instantly hit it off, making light conversation about the game starting off, but during the breaks started to have proper conversations with each other about their majors.

And as he said they would, the Wolves won 3-0, and the crowd erupted in cheers towards the girls in support when Jamie aced their opponents in the match point play. The girls shook the hands of the opposing teammates, and Joey watched Lauren scan the audience, looking for him. When their gazes finally locked, she sent him the biggest smile and wave, and he blew a kiss down to her. He watched as she pretended to grab the kiss and placed it on her heart, giving him a wink before turning back to her teammates who were grouping into a huddle.

As she turned back, Joey sunk back into his seat, exhaling heavily with a smile on his face and a hand on his heart. She really had no idea what she did to him, and watching her catch his kiss and wink at him nearly took all the air from his lungs.

After composing himself, he bid farewell to Eric and headed to the court to go meet Lauren.

"You did amazing! And I actually understood what was happening!"

Lauren laughed as Joey lowered her to the ground, taking her hand in his as they walked over to grab her belongings.

"You had me worried in that last set though, but your dig during the match point play was incredible."

"Thank you! I wanted a win so a win was what we were going to get." She laughed.

After Lauren collected all of her belongings, they headed towards the door, hand in hand, and left the arena, navigating their way out of the building. The sun had set hours prior, but the Christmas lights that were strung up around campus lit up their walk back to his dorm.

"The lights look so pretty!" Lauren beamed as her eyes were wide staring up at the lights.

In all honesty, Joey hadn't even looked at the lights, instead, transfixed on staring at Lauren. As cringe as it sounded, he thought the only things that were prettier than the lights were her.

Lauren looked over at Joey as he hadn't replied to her statement or even made a noise of agreement to her. And to her surprise, he was staring right back at her.

"What? Have I got something on my face?" She asked, puzzled. Joey smiled down at her and quickly leaned forward to press a kiss to her forehead, chuckling slightly. As he pulled away she furrowed her brows but smirked at him. "What was that for?"

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