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Joey hadn't stayed at the party for much longer that night, opting to finish his drink and told his friends that he wanted an easy night before training the next day.

On his lone walk home, he had a lot to decompress. He didn't know what feelings he had for Lauren, both romantically and friendship wise. They hadn't known each other long. A mere 36 hours at best. He didn't know a whole lot about her, so his feeling towards her made him more confused. He thought that she was amazing and beautiful and funny, but did he only think this because he thought they were flirting and because he was currently quite intoxicated? And if she actually was flirting with him when she was dating Darren, he thought that was a shit move from her too. But then was Lauren dating Darren? Joey was just jumping to conclusions based on what he had seen and this could all just be a misunderstanding. Joey was too drunk and too tired to think about them anymore, but Lauren was still at the forefront of his mind.

Joey reached his dorm not long after and got ready for bed, making sure his alarms were on for his 5 am swim practice, and fell asleep, the worries of the party long forgotten.


Almost a week had passed since the party and he tried but failed to stop thinking about Lauren.

The day after the party, he spoke to Darren briefly about their encounter but said he didn't even remember Joey arriving at the party let alone their conversation during the party. So Joey pressed no further, and lied to Darren their conversation to not delve into Darren's relationship with Lauren, and save Lauren's back too in case his presumptions about them were wrong.

He trained and attended lectures, as usual, trying to not look out for Lauren, and hoped that since Darren was drunk and didn't remember the evening, neither would she. He wanted it that way for his own sanity. If Lauren remembered that night just like he did, then he didn't want it to be awkward if they ever spoke again. And Joey obviously wanted to see her again, even if they could just be friends.

It was 8 pm and Joey was hurrying from the showers to the changing room to get changed into his normal clothes. The changing room was loud, the boys all shouting and messing around on the benches in the middle of the room. Joey laughed at them as he pulled his belongings out of the lockers and slipped into a stall to change.

"Hey, Richter?" Darren shouted over the stall.

"Sup?" He replied, slipping into a pair of joggers and pulling a t-shirt over his head, a towel slung over his shoulders.

"You going to the gym after this?"

Joey left the stall with his rucksack slung over his shoulder.

"No, my timetable says I have gym tomorrow so I'm gonna go get some food and finish an essay I have due."

"Ah okay man, see you tomorrow then!"

Joey said goodbye to his friends and headed out of the changing room, walking towards the doors and headed to the cafeteria to grab some food. He shoved his earphones in and played his music, playing his music and slipping his phone back into his pocket. But as soon as he put his phone in his pocket, his phone buzzed. He pulled it back out to see a number that he didn't have saved in his phone.

Quickly unlocking his phone and checking the message, he almost choked on the air around him.


still waiting for my coffee you know ;)

He stood in the middle of the walkway just staring at the phone screen in his hand. How the hell did she have his number? Where was she? Was she serious? Was this a prank by one of her friends? He didn't realise that she would actually hold him to the coffee date but immediately thought back to that night to the party where Lauren had pulled him close to her and he told her to not forget about it, not wanting them to become strangers, and his heart rate skyrocketed.

He didn't want to seem desperate so he slid his phone back into his pocket, hurrying to the cafeteria so that he could grab some food and sit down before he replied to Lauren, or who he hoped was Lauren.

He grabbed a sandwich and some water and sat down, pulling out his phone, reopening the message and reading it multiple times. His eyes lingered over the winky face that she put at the end of her text, and her mixed signals were driving him crazy in the best kind of way. He couldn't get her out of his head. He wanted to think about his response to her text to not scare her away, but he knew he would overthink so quickly typed a witty response and sent it before he could overthink and delete it.


I think you're mistaken. I'm not a barista.

He watched the message send and her read receipt popped up almost immediately. His food lay untouched on the table, a rare occurrence for Joey. His mind was too busy pondering about all the possible things that Lauren could reply to him, obviously all bad. He was deep in thought about Lauren when her number popped back up on his screen. Quickly unlocking his phone, the message sat under his.


I hope you heard my eye-roll from across campus

Joey chuckled at her message and replied.


Oh I did, loud and clear


I'm glad


So if you really want me to take you for coffee, give me a time, date and place

Feeling less nervous about the conversation, he took a few bites from his sandwich, waiting for Lauren's response.


Tomorrow, 13:00, you get to pick where we go since you'll be the one paying


Oh arent you nice

How did you even get my number?


I have my means... see you tomorrow?


I'll pick you up from your lecture?


How about I meet you?

Joey looked at his phone, puzzled, but responded.


Ashamed to be seen with me, Lopez?


No, just easier if we met in the middle, meet you at the sports centre?


Cool! See you there

Joey saved Lauren's name in his phone and switched it off, sliding it in his pocket and finished his food.

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