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1 pm rolled around and Joey had never left a lecture faster, shouting an excuse to Brian about needing to be somewhere and darting off down the corridors to the Sports Centre to meet Lauren.

To say he was terrified was an understatement. He was going for coffee with Lauren Lopez. Most popular girl Lauren Lopez. Prettiest girl in college Lauren Lopez. And she wanted to go for coffee with him. Of course, he'd presume this was a friendly thing, not knowing Lauren's stance and as they hadn't known each other long, definitely didn't want to push her if she didn't feel the same way. He knew he felt something for Lauren. He couldn't pinpoint what exactly, but he knew looking at her made him have butterflies in his stomach and hearing her speak was like music to his ears.

He looked towards the sports centre and spotted her, and the butterflies reentered his stomach. She was wearing a Uni of Michigan t-shirt, some black leggings and some white trainers, her hair in a messy bun on the top of her head and a rucksack slung over her shoulder. She looked, beautiful.

"Lopez!" He shouted as she spun and smiled at him, pointing down at her wrist.

"What time do you call this Richter?" Lauren tuts. "I said 1 pm."

He quickly looked down at his watch to see it was 1:03.

"Well my lecture finished at 1 so had to almost run here. I didn't run though because we all know what happened the last time." Joey inhaled as Lauren laughed beside him.

"Well from what happened last time, I'm getting a free coffee." She beamed up at him, and he could help but smile back down at her. "So, where are you taking me?"

"Can't tell, that'd ruin the surprise."

"As long as you're not just going to take me to the cafeteria." She laughed as they began the walk, bouncing conversation back and forth.

Joey had wondered if the coffee trip would be awkward since they didn't know each other that well and it might be hard to start a conversation. But he couldn't remember a moment on their walk to the coffee shop where the pair had been silent, instead, deep in conversation about musical theatre and their major.

Joey almost walked past the coffee place that he was taking her, too busy talking to realise that they had arrived. Joey steered Lauren towards the coffee shop door, pulling it open for her and following in behind her.

"Sorry to change the subject but what drink would you like?" Joey asked, quietly, leaning down so that he didn't have to be as loud. The coffee shop had very few people inside, the main noise being the faint radio playing over the speaker and the gurgle of the coffee machine when someone asked for a coffee. It was a small, independent coffee shop, but had great views over the Huron River to the park on the other side.

"Can I just have a black coffee, please?"

"Of course, any snacks?" He asked, contemplating a muffin or millionaires shortbread for himself that he saw at the counter.

"No I'm okay, everything here probably either has dairy or gluten in it, and I can't have either." She sighed, looking back up at Joey.

"Oh. I'm so sorry. I should have asked if you were allergic to anything before we came here. It's my fault" Joey groaned, looking back at her apologetically.

She placed a hand on his arm, in the almost identical place that it was at the party. He instantly relaxed, his eyes softening and his features relaxing. How could just a touch from her do so much to him? His mouth moved from a pout to a smile, hers growing wider.

"It's okay, honestly. If anything, I should have told you about it. A coffee and some nice company are still great for me." She spoke softly, any worry he had leaving his body. She squeezed his arm and tugged him gently towards the counter.

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