Spring Of Life

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The wind blew through the leaves and branches, making a soft whistle as it rustled them. Brook stops to the abrupt sound of the crew yelling after him, finally catching up.

"Stop running off will ya?!" Zoro barks.

"Where are you going anyway?! We need to stick together, you almost never run off except for the time we first met you, so whats the deal?!" Nami growls, clearly tired of running after brook.

"I know this may sound strange but it feels as if something is pulling me somewhere on this island, I'm sorry for making you all worry and chase me, I'm afraid I just can't help it." Brook pulls a small flower from a tree, admiring it.

"Dude thats just weird, lets just make a plan and go from there." Sanji puts out his lit cigarette before tossing it.

"I have to disagree sanji, I think we should follow brook where ever it is hes going." Robin says.

"What?? We could be blindly walking around forever why on earth would we do that?" Usopp asks.

"Because, we wouldn't of found banjiro otherwise. Lets give it a chance or two and see where it takes us. That's all I'm suggesting for now." Robin swats away a bug bothering her.

"Sounds good to me! Lead the way brook!" Luffy chimes in happily.

Theres a bit of an argument from sanji, zoro, and usopp. However its quickly ignored as they wait for brook to continue.

"I'm not sure how it works, it just kind of happens." Brook tells them before gently setting down the flower. "I can't exactly see where I'm supposed to go myself, then again I don't have eyes, Yohohoho!~"

A few moments pass of chatting before it sets in again, brook gets up and wonders off, thankfully catching the attention of his crew, they follow him.

Nami and robin are trying to keep everyone quiet while brook wanders about, eventually the quiet sound of water can be heard up ahead. Brook walks through a thick brush of various plants and trees before coming into full view of another clearing.

There are various sparkling pools of water and tiny streams of water pouring off rocks into some of the pools lodged to the side of a small cliff.

In the center sits a large pool, streams of water seem to gather to it from other near by pools over flowing. The water is so clear you can see the bottom in detail.

A few feet behind the pool is a small cave, and in the back center sits a stone structure, like a shrine thats been slightly damaged.

The crew catches up with brook, practically knocking him over in the process.

"I told you to be careful!" Nami shouts at zoro.

"I only have one eye!! Stop being so picky!" Zoro shouts back.

"Well maybe she'd be less PICKY if you'd get off us!" Sanji barks.

Chopper cries out for help because he's being squished.

Eventually everyone gets up and takes in their surroundings. Looking in the center pool as the shrine continues to catch brooks attention.

"I told you to leave! You can't be here she won't like it!!" Banjiro jumps down from the cliff with two panthers by his side and a dirty knife in his hand.

"Hold on! We're just trying to take you home! Your mom and brother are worried for you!" Usopp waves his arms defensively.

"And like I told your skeleton and rubber man here, I don't believe you!" Banjiro shouts.
The panthers unsheath their claws and bare their fangs snarling.

Brook X Self Insert Angel JJOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant