Who's the blonde chick

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"I'm sorry" I whisper before I stab her in the temple. I'm all that's left of my family. She was just seven years old, my baby sister who I vowed to protect. But I failed her like I failed everyone else
I wake up in a tree to the sound of growls underneath me.Great there's about 13 walkers under me. Its a good thing I found some more arrows yesterday. I shoot them down one by one as I climb down the tree I'm in.

"Hey Sofia it ok to come down now" I called up to the little girl who reminds me so much of my sister.

"Ok be down in a sec" she says. "Where r we going to go today" she asks a moment later.

"Remember that sign for the prison" I ask


"Well I think we should head there and clear out a common area and stay for a couple of days"

"That sounds great Sam" replies the little girl.

After walking south for about an hour we find another sign for a small town.

"I think we should see if we can find a car" says Sofia.

"That sounds like a great idea"

When we reach the town there's an auto dealership at the first exit off the highway.

"You want to pick ou which car we get" I ask her.

"Yes!" she cries.

She takes off after that and picks out this midnight blue slug bug and shouts over to me "This is the one". and to my surprise it's got a full tank of gas.

"Let's hit the road shall we" I ask in a British accent.

"So we shall" she replies as we drive towards the prison.

When we get to the prison we park a couple block away from it in the trees.
As we walk closer we can tell is not abandon like we originally thought.

"Should we go up there" asks Sofia.

"Your guess is as good as mine" I say quietly.

As we walk up to the prison I hear someone scream "Sofia!" and I see my little friend run up to another little boy.

"Oh Carl I've missed you so much" she cries and they hug each other.

He opens the gate for him and Sofia to go back inside then. He waves over at me and says " come on in unless you want to get eaten by a walker"

I follow him and Sofia as we walk up to one of the cell blocks. when we go inside Sofia runs and jumps on this lady's back and screams "momma!" As the lady turns around she looks at Sofia for a minute and hugs her as they both cry on each other's shoulder. I'm just standing there dumb found when some guy walks over to me and starts to pull out his gun, but before he can I grab my crossbow and have it pointed at him.

He looks at me and asks "who are you".

"I'm Samantha Madison, but every one calls me Sam"

"Rick!" Says the lady Holding Sofia "put your gun down right now she brought Sofia back to me and if you kill her I'll have to kill you" she says in a harsh tone.

"Fine" he spits "I have to ask you some questions before you can stay though"

"Ok" is all I say before I am cut off.

"Who's the blonde chick" asks a man with a Southern accent.

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