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I'm driving and Michoone's in the passenger side seat. Bob and Tyrese are in the back.

"Hey in the glove box there should be some CD's will you hand them to me" she pulls them out and hands to me I'm pulling one out when she screams "LOOK OUT" I was about to hit a walker. I dodge it and couple more before I stop the car. when I get my breath I see what's in front of us. There's probably more that three hundred walkers heading are way.

"Every body head to the woods and don't stop" I yell hoping out of the sun roof. I'm shooting walkers and I run to the forest.

"Tyrese come on" yells Bob

"Ty" I scream "we got to go" I tell the others

We run through the woods for a good five minutes. We stop to to catch our breath and hear twig snapping in the trees. I get my bow ready. Ty comes out of the trees huffing and puffing for air.

"Come on we got to keep moving" I say

We get to a gas station and see a car covered in vines. We start cutting the vines away when walkers start coming out of the vines. We kill most of them. Ty is still holding on to one as if he's gonna let it bite him. Michonne comes up behind it and chops it's head off. There's a full tank of gas and the battery still work. Which is awesome because we would have been screwed.

~~~~~time change~~~~~

When we get to the hospital we park the car and head in the building so we can get out of hear fast. We search a couple rooms before we find what we are looking for.

"Hey guys i found the medicine room" I whisper- yell. we get everything on the list and start to leave. There's a herd of walkers surrounding the car.

"Let go that way and see if they leave in a little bit" I suggest.

"Ok" they all say.

We are walking around when we hear moaning coming from the stair case. We try to turn around but see the herd from outside got in some how. I shoot while they break the chain on the door to the stair well we. When it opens we start stabbing the ones on the stairs.

"Guys we are going to have to go through the window" says bob. I break the window with my elbow and crawl through. I help the rest of them through, but then bob falls and his bag went over the side of the canopy thing we are on.

"Bob let go we have what we need" he grunts still trying to pull the bag up. He gets it back and a bottle of whiskey falls out. I stare at it for a minute before I grad it and look at bob.

"YOU SELFISH BASTARD! Our group is dying and you fill your bag with booze!" I am so mad, " give me your bag!" I demand. He hands it over I pull my knife out and rig the bag to shreds. I open the bottles and put one in each bottle. I take out my lighter and set the ends on fire and throw them as far as I can in the opposite direction of the car. Every stinking one of them! We jump off and make a run for the car. Once we are all in I speed away to the prison.

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