Twins meet Daryl

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I'm sitting on the couch with Jackie and Jace when Aidan comes in. I get up and walkover to him and kiss him.

"Your back how was the run?" I question.

"I was bad we lost Ronny and Jeffrey" he says grabbing a water bottle.

"Should I go get Diana?" I ask

"Ya I need to tell her I'll watch Jackie and Jace"

"Ok be back in a sec" I say walking out the door.

I walk to the front gate where Linda told me she was at. There is supposed to be a new group. What I don't know is that it's my old group. I see Maggie first so I run to her and hug her neck I also say hi to everyone. Except Daryl I'm still mad at him for thinking I cheated on him. I loved him so much and I still love him, but now I'm with Aidan. When I got here he was so kind and was kind to me even though I was pregnant and had these horrible mood swings and was so upset that Daryl thought I was cheating on him. I told Aidan everything that had happened and he was supportive and helped me with Jackie and Jace. Even Diana acts like there her grandkids. I couldn't have asked for a better place to raise them.

After I say hi and tell Diana that Aidan needs to talk to her about the run, I head back to the house to feed my Jackie and jace. I'm really glad that Aidan helps me with the twins and all but, with Daryl back I don't know what's gonna happen. I mean I know he doesn't think they are his but when I look at them and all I can see is him. They have dark brown hair and these bright blue eyes. I've missed Daryl over the pass ten months.

When first left I was sad that I didn't try harder with him. To soon after that though may sadness became hate, but I tried to put myself In his shoes and see where he was coming from. I honestly don't know what to do, should I talk to him, leave him alone, try and forget everything that ever happened between us.

~One week later~

"Aidan you promised you would stay home" I say making a pouty face.

"I know sweetheart but I really need to go on this run and show the new people how we do it" he says kissing my forehead.

"Ok be sure to be back before night fall though I'll be making Mexican food tonight" I call while he walks out the door waving at me.

I walk back inside after I have a smoke because I hear one of the twins crying. I slowly walk up the stairs and pick up Jackie and Jace and head to the kitchen. I fix them some bottles and me some coffee but I hear a knock on the door.

I open the door thinking that it's probably Jessie, but are surprised by the fact that it's Daryl. I look at him trough the peep hole for a little while before I decide to open the door.

"Do you need something Daryl" I ask impatiently.

"I just wanted to talk to you" he says look me in the eyes.

"Well there's nothing to talk about Daryl you made you choice ten mouths ago when you told me I cheated on you" I say going to shut the door.

"Please let me explain myself Sam I know I made a mistake but let me try and make it up to you"

I think about it for a minute, count my pros and cons in the situation "fine you have five minutes Dixon" I say letting him through the door.

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